IDWS Configurations – GBG IDscan Documentation

IDWS Configurations

All of the IDWS application’s settings are contained in a file named appsettings.json. Any changes to the appsettings.json file will require restarting the “Microsoft IIS Administration” service to take effect. 

The appsettings.json file is located at: [InstallationPath]/appsettings.json 

Configure Caching provider: 

IDWS supports two types of caching providers, Redis and MSSQL. Both of them supports defining the Expiry time in minutes as: 

 "CachingExpiry": "30"
  • Using Redis as IDWS caching provider: 

To enable the Redis caching provider, you have to define the appsettings.json file with your Redis Host and port information as the following: 

 "CachingProvider": "Redis", 
 "Redis": { 
    "Host": "localhost", 
    "Port": "6379" 
  • Using MSSQL as a caching provider: 

To enable the MSSQL caching provider, you have to define the appsettings.json file with your IDWSCacheDb database* connection string as the following: 

"CachingProvider": "MSSQL", 
"ConnectionStrings": { 
    "IDWSSqlDb": "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=IDWSCacheDb;User id=[userid];Password=[pwd];" 

 The IDWSCacheDb create script is attached with the Technical guide of IDWS. 

Configure IDES: 

To be able to use IDWS properly, you have to install “IDScan document expert system service” and provide its URL and health check information as:  

 "IDES": { 
    "BaseUrl": "http://localhost:9015", 
    "HealthCheckUrl": "http://localhost:8080/HealthCheck" 

Confıgure IDWS Health Checks: 

IDWS Health check provide a way to monitor the state of IDES and caching providers (Redis or MSSQL). And you can configure it as the following:

 "HealthChecksUI": { 
    "HealthChecks": [ 
        "Name": "IDWS Health Checks", 
        "Uri": "[path to your IDWS service]/healthchecks"   

You can access the health check UI on by calling “http://[IDWS service]/hc” 

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