Utility functionality – GBG IDscan Documentation

Utility functionality

Remove – allows removing preinstalled profiles by TAG or PROFILE.



List profiles – we allow listing tags (will not check if profile correctly installed) and listing profiles which will check if the profile is installed and if it contains information package.


// Light version to return all preinstalled profile tags. (Will only show all folders in installed folder)
List<String> tagList = ProfileManager.listTags();
// Will check folders and read information file about profile.
List<Profile> profileList = ProfileManager.listProfiles(); 

Get Profile by tag – you can retrieve single profile information by tag, which contains profile version, RUID, profile supported document type list by countries.


Profile profile = ProfileManager.getProfile("UK"); 

Document type list – will provide a list of countries by the document support.

Will provide a list of Countries which contains List of document types supported.


List<Country> list = profile.getCountriesList() 

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