NFC Scanning – GBG IDscan Documentation

NFC Scanning

In this version NFC scanning has been introduced, it has been added as a step in CustomerJourney and the APIs are available for you to use and add to your application.

First NFCScanning needs 3 things to be initialised :

  • Current Activity
  • Current EnterpirseService
  • journeyID of the current journey


val nfcScanning = NFCScanning(this, enterpriseService, journeyID) 

After this we will need to create a listener where we will receive the result and the next RequiredAction


val listener = object : NFCScanning.NfcListener {
                   override fun onFailure(error: NFCError, action: RequiredAction.Action) {
                       //handle faluire
                   override fun onSuccess(action: RequiredAction.Action) {
                       // handle next required action

We also need to override onActivityResult and call a method to parse the response and call the listener.


override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
    nfcScanning.responseHandler(requestCode, resultCode, data, listener)

Then we can start the NFC Activity. To do this we’ll need the ResponseUpload object from the DocumentUpload and the listener that was just created


startActivityForResult(responseUpload, listener) 

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