Offline OCR (BETA) – GBG IDscan Documentation

Offline OCR (BETA)

We offering offline OCR capabilities. They are combined with hot-swapping and will work seamlessly with default maven profiles from 1.14.0 version of profiles.

WARNING: This will slow down document processing; older devices suffer more drastically by increasing processing time, possibly to seconds.

  • Using default profile


// Create profile object
Profile profile = new Profile();
//Set light profile (Enables OCR and Authentication)
// This operation needs to be done once before swapProfile, and it can be heavy operation, we offer to do it on application launch or before feature of on boarding.
//This needs to be called before calling Document Scanner or Customer Journey
  • Using Profile Manager


// Create profile object with specific profile.
Profile profile = ProfileManager.getProfile("TAG");
//Set light profile (Enables OCR and Authentication)
profile.setProcessingMode( ProcessingMode .SMART_SCAN);
// This operation needs to be done once before swapProfile, and it can be heavy operation, we offer to do it on application launch or before feature of on boarding.
//This needs to be called before calling Document Scanner or Customer Journey

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