Appendix 2 – GBG IDscan Documentation

Appendix 2

IDESV2 Field ID’s

FirstName The first name extracted from the document
MiddleName The middle name extracted from the document
FirstIssuanceDate The first issue date of this document in ISO 8601 format
LastName The last name extracted from the document
SecondLastName The second last name extracted from the document
FullName The full name extracted from a document.
BirthDate The birth date of person in the document in ISO 8601 format
IssueDate The issue date the document in ISO 8601 format
ExpiryDate The expiration date of the document in ISO 8601 format
PersonalNumber The personal number extracted from the document
NationalityCode The country nationality ISO code the document.
NationalityName The nationality name of the client.
BarcodeItems Collection of generic barcode items
BirthPlace The person birthplace extracted from the document
BirthPlaceCity The birth city of the person extracted from the document
BirthPlaceState The birth state of the person extracted from the document
BirthPlaceCountry The birth country of the person extracted from the document
MRZFull The full MRZ (all lines)
MRZLine1 The first line of the MRZ
MRZLine2 The second line of the MRZ
MRZLine3 The third line of the MRZ
ObservationPage ObservationPage
IssuingAuthority The authority issuing the document
IssuingLocation The location where the document was issued
MaritalStatus The marital status of the person (single or married)
Occupation Occupation
Sex The person gender field extracted from a document
AlienNumber The alien number extracted from the document
Employer The name of the employer
AddressLine1 The first line of the address
AddressLine2 The second line of the address
AddressLine3 The third line of the address
AddressLine4 The fourth line of the address
AddressCity The city of the address
AddressState The state of the address
AddressDistrict The district of the address
AddressBuildingNumber The building number of the address
AddressBuildingName The building name of the address
AddressStreet The street of the address
AddressCountry The country of the address
AddressPostCode The postcode of the address
RefAddressFull The full reference address (all lines)
RefAddressLine1 The first line of the reference address
RefAddressLine2 The second line of the reference address
RefAddressLine3 The third line of the reference address
RefAddressLine4 The fourth line of the reference address
RefAddressCity The city of the reference address
RefAddressState The state of the reference address
RefAddressDistrict The district of the reference address
RefAddressBuildingNumber The building number of the reference address
RefAddressBuildingName The building name of the reference address
RefAddressSubBuildingName The sub-building name of the reference address
RefAddressStreet The street of the reference address
RefAddressCountry The country of the reference address
RefAddressPostCode The postcode of the reference address
HealthNumber The health number extracted from the document
Endorsements Endorsements
Constraints Constraints
LicenseMarine LicenseMarine
Height The height of the person
Weight The weight of the person
HairColor The hair color of the person
EyeColor The eye color of the person
LensData The lens data of the person
CreditCardNumber The number of the credit card
BankCardType The type of this bank card
BankCardSecurityCode The security code of the bank card
LicenseCategory The license category of the document
SocialSecurityNumber The social security number extracted from the document
NationalInsuranceNumber the national insurance number extracted from the document
Race Race
MotherName The mother name extracted from the document
FatherName The father name extracted from the document
Parents Parents
Remarks Remarks
DistinguishingMarks DistinguishingMarks
PeriodOfStay PeriodOfStay
TaxNumber The tax number extracted from the document
Donor Donor
RFIDG1 The raw data from RFID.
RFIDG2 The raw data from RFID.
RFIDG3 The raw data from RFID.
RFIDG15 The raw data from RFID.
RFIDSOD The raw data from RFID.
DocumentNumber The identifying number of the document such as document number, driver number, passport number
AddressFull The full address (all lines)
PortraitPhoto The person photo extracted from the document
Title Title
IssueDate2 The second issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format
ExpiryDate2 The second expiry date of the document in ISO 8601 format
LicenseCategory2 The second license category of the document
IssueDate3 The third issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format
ExpiryDate3 The third expiry date of the document in ISO 8601 format
LicenseCategory3 The third license category of the document
IssueDate4 The fourth issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format
ExpiryDate4 The fourth expiry date of the document in ISO 8601 format
LicenseCategory4 The fourth license category of the document
MRZCode1 MRZCode1
MRZCode2 MRZCode2
MRZStandardType The standard type of the ICAO document
AddressStreetSuffix The street suffix of the address
AddressStreetType The street type of the address
AddressUnitNumber The unit number of the address
LicenseNumber The license number of the document
AddressStateCode The state code of the address
AddressStreetTypeAbbreviation The street abbreviation of the address
AddressUnitType The unit type of the address
AddressDeliveryPointIdentifier The delivery point identifier (DPID) of the address
AgeCategory The category of the age
ChildernCount The total number of children for the person
EntryMode The mode of allowed entries for this person
VAFNumber The visa application form number extracted from the document
IssueNumber The issue number extracted from the document
AddressLine5 The fifth line of the address
RFIDPortraitPhoto The person photo stored in the biometric chip
RefAddressLine5 The fifth line of the reference address
RefAddressStateCode The state code of the reference address
RefAddressStreetType The street type of reference address
RefAddressStreetTypeAbbreviation The street type abbreviation of the reference address
RefAddressStreetSuffix The street suffix of the reference address
RefAddressUnitNumber The unit number of the reference address
RefAddressUnitType The unit type of the reference address
RefAddressPostcodeType The postcode type of the reference address
RefAddressDeliveryPointIdentifier The delivery point identifier (DPID) of the reference address
RefAddressPOBoxNumber The P.O.Box number of the reference address
RefAddressDependentLocality The dependent locality of the reference address
RefAddressDoubleDependentLocality The double dependent locality of the reference address
RefAddressThoroughfare The thoroughfare of the reference address
RefAddressThoroughfareDesc The thoroughfare description of the reference address
RefAddressDependentThoroughfare The dependent thoroughfare of the reference address
RefAddressDependentThoroughfareDesc The dependent thoroughfare description of the reference address
RefAddressSubBuildingNumber The sub-building number of the reference address
AddressSubBuildingNumber The sub-building number of the address
AddressSubBuildingName The sub-building name of the address
AddressPostCodeType The postcode type of the address
LastNameFirstPart The first few characters of the last name extracted from the document
IssuingAuthorityType The type of authority issuing the document
FirstNameInitial The first character of the first name extracted from the document
Signature The signature of the person
Hologram The hologram extracted from the document
CardNumber The card number of the document
MiddleNameInitial The first character of the middle name
DocumentNumberCheckDigit The check digit character of the document number field
ArbitraryDigit The arbitrary digit of the document number field
PermitNumber The permit number of the document
ReferenceNumber The reference number of the document
CustomerNumber The customer number of the document
BOSNumber The BOS number of the document
StudentID The student identification number extracted from the document
MembershipNumber The membership number extracted from the document
LicenseType The type of license
LicenseType2 The second type of license
LicenseType3 The third type of license
LicenseType4 The fourth type of license
DocumentTypeCode The type code of the document
MRZDocumentNumberCheckDigit The check digit of the document number contained in the MRZ
MRZBirthDateCheckDigit The check digit of the birth date contained in the MRZ
MRZExpiryDateCheckDigit The check digit of the expiry date contained in the MRZ
MRZPersonalNumberCheckDigit The check digit of the personal number contained in the MRZ
MRZCompositeCheckDigit The composite check digit of the MRZ
SecondaryPortraitPhoto The second portrait photo extracted from the document
Fingerprint The fingerprint extracted from the document
VersionNumber The version number of the document
Conditions Conditions
NickName Nick Name
AddressApartmentNumber The Address Apartment Number
AddressFloorNumber The address floor number

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