It is as easy as implementing a listener and calling another activity.
- Implement or create an instance of DocumentScannerEventReceiver implementation.
// Java @Override public void onProcessingCompleted(Context context, Document document) { // Background document processing has successfully finished document.getDocumentImage(); } @Override public void onProcessingFailed(Context context, ScannerError error) { // Journey failed check Scanner Error possibilities, in JavaDocs. } @Override public void onProcessingCancelled(Context context, ScannerError error) { // Journey was cancelled by user input (onBackPresed) }
// Kotlin private val response = object : DocumentScannerEventReceiver() { override fun onProcessingCompleted(context: Context, result: Document) { // If Scan was successful document object will be returned here. // Document object contains document image and minimal clarification of the document if document was recognised. }override fun onProcessingCancelled(context: Context, scannerError: ScannerError) {
// Returned when customer canceled journey, most probably onBack click. }
override fun onProcessingFailed(context: Context, errorCode: ScannerError) {
// Failure from which we could not recover.
- Register your implementation using DocumentScannerService
//Register before call
DocumentScannerService.registerEventReceiver(context, implementation);
//Unregister after call
DocumentScannerService.unregisterEventReceiver(context, implementation);
- Create an intent with destination activity is DocumentScannerActivity and start it.
// Create intent to start scanner activity
Intent myIntent = new
Intent(MyActivity.this, DocumentScannerActivity.class);