Purge Script Usage – GBG IDscan Documentation

Purge Script Usage

Purge scripts are “stored procedures” that get deployed on both SQL and Oracle Databases upon execution of the GBG IDscan Database creation scripts.

These scripts accept a single datetime variable as input. On execution, scans which were done before the date input will be deleted from the DB.

Usage with MSSQL DB

  • Log into SSMS with a user with query execution privilege (preferably “sa”).
  • Navigate to “IdscanEnterprise” Database / Programability / Stored Procedures
  • Right click on the “Core.PurgeDataOlderThanDate” and select “Execute Stored Procedure”
  • On the new screen, enter your date to the field under “Value” header.
  • On clicking the “OK” button, the script will run and if the purge process is successful, the following will be seen:

NOTE: Depending on the database size, this process can take some time.

Usage with Oracle DB

  • Log into the Oracle DB with a user type that can run queries.
  • Navigate to “Procedures” view in the GBG IDscan table and select “PurgeDataOlderThanDate”.
  • Enter the desired purge date in a DD-MMM-YY format and enclose it in single quotes (ie ’28-SEP-18’).
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