IESA DB Connection String Configuration – GBG IDscan Documentation

IESA DB Connection String Configuration

This configuration is needed for SignalR dependency and needs to be set up so Scanner and FDE functionalities can be used.

The user needs to create a blank db “IESA.db” and put its connection string as below. They should have privileges on that db and give privileges.

The user should edit this IESA configuration in the backend Settings:

<!-- IESA Options -->
<Setting Key="IESADBProvider" Value="MSSql" /> 

<!-- Possible values [MSSql,Oracle] -->
<Setting Key="IESADBConnectionString" Value="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=IESA.Db;User ID=idscan;Pass- word=idscan;" />
  1. The user should give a Data Source, which is a DB IP or hostname.
  2. The catalog name is the database name for IESA
  3. The user should give the correct credentials for the database access. They need to change the values for the “User ID” and “Password “ parts with the database credentials.
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