Template Type Configuration
There are five main types of template types. The aim of each one is to provide a
static string which is passed into the templating function to render to the
page. Internally, each of the five types is converted into a Promise which will
resolve with the string mentioned above.
The Function
type provider should be a function which should accept a single
parameter which is the Templates
string. This can be used to streamline the
template storage in the consuming application if desired.
The function should return a single string which is ready to be passed through
to the pre processor in the next rendering stage.
[Templates]: { type: TemplateType.Function, provider: (templateName: Templates) => `<div> <h1>Template Heading</h1> <p>This is the template for ${templateName}</p> </div>` }
The Null
type must not specify any provider function. It is designed to
explicitly state to the system that there should be nothing rendered for this
[Templates]: { type: TemplateType.Null }
The Promise
type provider should be a function which should accept a single
parameter which is the Templates
string. This can be used to streamline the
template storage in the consuming application if desired.
The function should return a promise which resolves with a single string to be
passed through to the pre processor in the next rendering stage.
NOTE: You can use this type to programmatically generate asynchronous values
in your own code, or request the content from a web server using your own code
rather than depending on the Url
type if desired. This will allow greater
control over request parameters and cookies.
[Templates]: { type: TemplateType.Promise, provider: new Promise((resolve) => resolve(`<div> <h1>Template Heading</h1> <p>This is your custom template</p> </div>`) ) }
The String
type provider should be a single string to be passed through to the
pre processor in the next rendering stage.
[Templates]: { type: TemplateType.String, provider: `<div> <h1>Template Heading</h1> <p>This is the template for ${templateName}</p> </div>` ) }
The Url
type provider should be a single string which will the system will
make an HTTP request to providing current cookies. The resulting string will be
passed through to the pre processor in the next rendering stage.
Loading events will be triggered during these requests for you to use to display
loading messages to your users.
[Templates]: { type: TemplateType.Url, provider: `https://mywebsite.com/?template=my-template` }
Pre-Processor Configuration
There are currently two supported pre processors in the solution. The aim of
each one is to accept in a string and process it before returning it for
rendering to the DOM. They are only designed to accept and return static strings
for efficiency and uniformity, but there are parameters passed into them. Each
pre-processor is executed with the entire dictionary spread over the properties
provided by the current template function.
The None
processor does nothing to the content passed into it and is
recommended for content which has already been processed for language strings.
The Mustache
processor runs the string through the
mustache.js node module which uses the
mustache templating engine internally to process
the provided strings.
Default Templates
This file describes the default templates for each possible layout the SDK will
use during a journey life cycle. These can be overridden by following the
How to Override Templates section of the primary documentation. Any
templates not overridden will default to the values described here.
Some elements of the templates are required for the sdk to function correctly,
whereas others are not. These will be highlighted in the defaults below. These
elements can be moved around and wrapped in other elements if desired, but thedata-jcs-element
attribute must remain. Additional class names, attributes and
ids can be added too if desired.
This template is used when nothing should be displayed. You can override this
if required to display some kind of “loading” screen in the very brief moments
it may be visible.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.Null |
This template is used when the SDK is initialising and scanning hardware to
attempt to detect viable capture devices. This can take a variable amount of
time depending on how many capture devices are present on the device.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{INITIALIZING_TITLE}}</h2> <p>{{INITIALIZING_DESCRIPTION}}</p>
This template is used to allow the user to use their device camera to capture an
image on the fly rather than having to take a picture with their normal camera
application and upload it separately. This is especially useful on desktop
devices where it’s more difficult/slower to take a photo and upload it.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_CAMERA}}</h2> <div class="info-container"> <p class="info-item journey-state"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_STATE}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__state" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action-attempt"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION_ATTEMPT}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action__attempt" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-id"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ID}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__id" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> </div> <form class="camera-options--container"> <p data-jcs-element="camera__status" class="camera-status"></p> <select data-jcs-element="camera__select" class="camera-choices"></select> </form> <div class="camera-viewfinder--container"> <canvas data-jcs-element="camera__viewfinder" class="camera-viewfinder"></canvas> </div> <form class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="camera__capture" class="button button--primary" type="button" value="{{CAMERA_CAPTURE}}" /> </form>
Name | Purpose | Required |
info__journey__state | Displays the current state of the journey | No |
info__journey__action | Displays the currently required action | No |
info__journey__action__attempt | Displays how many attempts have been taken for the currently required action | No |
info__journey__id | Displays the current journey’s ID | No |
camera__status | Displays the camera permissions/usability status messages | No |
camera__select | Displays the select element for picking the camera to use | No |
camera__viewfinder | Displays the preview for the image capture | Yes |
camera__capture | Capture a frame | Yes |
This template is used for the image cropping utility to display its UI. Users
can use this to adjust the detected image boundaries in an uploaded image to
further assist in document extraction.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_CROPPER}}</h2> <div class="info-container"> <p class="info-item journey-state"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_STATE}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__state" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action-attempt"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION_ATTEMPT}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action__attempt" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-id"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ID}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__id" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> </div> <div class="cropper--container"> <canvas data-jcs-element="cropper__canvas" class="cropper"></canvas> </div> <form class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="cropper__retry" class="button button--secondary" type="button" value="{{CROPPER_RETRY}}" /> <input data-jcs-element="cropper__submit" class="button button--primary" type="button" value="{{CROPPER_UPLOAD}}" /> </form> <div data-jcs-element="cropper__status"> <p data-jcs-element="cropper__status__message"></p> </div>
Name | Purpose | Required |
info__journey__state | Displays the current state of the journey | No |
info__journey__action | Displays the currently required action | No |
info__journey__action__attempt | Displays how many attempts have been taken for the currently required action | No |
info__journey__id | Displays the current journey’s ID | No |
cropper__canvas | Displays the cropping UI | Yes |
cropper__reset | Resets the cropping handles to the extremes of the image | No |
cropper__submit | Submits the cropped image to the services for validation | Yes |
cropper__status | The outer container for the status messages | No |
cropper__status__message | The message container for the status messages | No |
This template is used to present the user with a UI to select an image from
their file system either using the traditional input element approach, or using
the more modern drag and drop approach where available in the browser
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_FILESYSTEM}}</h2> <div class="info-container"> <p class="info-item journey-state"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_STATE}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__state" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action-attempt"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION_ATTEMPT}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action__attempt" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-id"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ID}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__id" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> </div> <form class="file-input--container"> <input data-jcs-element="file__input" class="file-input" id="jcs__file__input" type="file" /> </form> <label data-jcs-element="file__drop__box" class="file-input--alternatives" for="jcs__file__input"> <span class="file-input--click">{{FILESYSTEM_SELECT}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="file__drop__label" class="file-input--drag">{{FILESYSTEM_DROP_IMAGE}}</span> </label>
Name | Purpose | Required |
info__journey__state | Displays the current state of the journey | No |
info__journey__action | Displays the currently required action | No |
info__journey__action__attempt | Displays how many attempts have been taken for the currently required action | No |
info__journey__id | Displays the current journey’s ID | No |
file__input | Allows the user to to select an image from the file system using the browser UI | Yes |
file__drop__box | Allows the user to drop an image onto the UI | No |
file__drop__label | Displays a message stating drag/drop functionality is supported on their device | No |
This template is used to display the entry point to the journey where the images
of identity documents are captured. This is shown when the capture mode is
either camera of file system upload.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_GATEWAY}}</h2> <form data-jcs-element="gateway__upload" class="upload-toggle--container"> <label data-jcs-element="gateway__upload__toggle__label" class="upload-toggle--label"> <input data-jcs-element="gateway__upload__toggle" class="upload-toggle" type="checkbox" /> <span class="upload-toggle--text">{{GATEWAY_CAMERA}}</span> </label> <p data-jcs-element="gateway__camera__status"></p> </form> <div data-jcs-element="provider__container" class="provider-container"></div> <form class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="cancel__journey" class="button button--secondary" type="button" value="{{CANCEL_JOURNEY}}" /> </form>
Name | Purpose | Required |
gateway__upload | Contains the upload toggle feature UI | No |
gateway__upload__toggle__label | Contains helpful text for the upload toggle selector | No |
gateway__upload__toggle | Allows the user to choose to use the camera instead of file upload | No |
provider__container | Used as the position to write providers to the DOM | Yes |
cancel__journey | Cancel the current journey | No |
gateway__camera__status | Status messages for the camera | No |
This template is used to take the user through the liveness checking process
using the underlying retina services.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_LIVENESS}}</h2> <div class="info-container"> <p class="info-item journey-state"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_STATE}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__state" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action-attempt"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION_ATTEMPT}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action__attempt" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-id"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ID}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__id" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> </div> <form class="camera-options--container"> <p data-jcs-element="camera__status" class="camera-status"></p> <select data-jcs-element="camera__select" class="camera-choices"></select> </form> <div data-jcs-element="retina__notifications" class="camera-message--container"> <span data-jcs-element="retina__message" class="camera-message"></span> <span data-jcs-element="retina__timer" class=camera-countdown""></span> </div> <div class="camera-viewfinder--container" data-fullscreen="false"> <canvas data-jcs-element="camera__viewfinder" class="camera-viewfinder"></canvas> </div> <form class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="cancel__journey" class="button button--secondary" type="button" value="{{CANCEL_JOURNEY}}" /> <input data-jcs-element="retina__start" class="button button--primary" type="button" value="{{LIVENESS_START}}" /> </form>
Name | Purpose | Required |
info__journey__state | Displays the current state of the journey | No |
info__journey__action | Displays the currently required action | No |
info__journey__action__attempt | Displays how many attempts have been taken for the currently required action | No |
info__journey__id | Displays the current journey’s ID | No |
camera__status | Displays the camera permissions/usability status messages | No |
camera__select | Displays the select element for picking the camera to use | No |
camera__viewfinder | Displays the camera viewfinder | Yes |
retina__notifications | Contains the notifications for the retina service | No |
retina__message | Displays the messages instructing the user which poses are required | No |
retina__timer | Displays any timer information | No |
retina__start | Starts the retina service capturing images | Yes |
cancel__journey | Cancel the current journey | No |
This template is used to show the user the login page where they can provide a
username and password to authenticate with the service. This is not necessary if
specifying an API key/token instead.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_LOGIN}}</h2> <form data-jcs-element="login__form" class="login-form"> <div class="input--container"> <span class="input--label">{{LOGIN_USERNAME}}</span> <input data-jcs-element="login__username" class="input" id="login_username" type="text" /> </div> <div class="input--container"> <span class="input--label">{{LOGIN_PASSWORD}}</span> <input data-jcs-element="login__password" class="input" id="login_password" type="password" /> </div> <div class="login-error--container"> <p data-jcs-element="login__errors" class="login-error"></p> </div> <div class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="login__submit" class="button button--primary" type="submit" value="{{LOGIN_SUBMIT}}" /> </div> </form>
Name | Purpose | Required |
login__form | Holds the form elements and handles submission fo data to the services when submitted | Yes |
login__username | Provider space for the user to enter their username | Yes |
login__password | Provides space for the user to enter their password | Yes |
login__errors | Displays any errors | No |
login__submit | Submits the form | No |
This template is used for showing the journey results, regardless of outcome.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_RESULTS}}</h2> <div class="info-container"> {{#result}} <p class="info-item journey-result"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_RESULT}}</span> <span class="info-item__value">{{result}}</span> </p> {{/result}} {{#referenceId}} <p class="info-item journey-reference"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_REFERENCE}}</span> <span class="info-item__value">{{referenceId}}</span> </p> {{/referenceId}} <p class="info-item journey-id"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ID}}</span> <span class="info-item__value">{{journeyId}}</span> </p> <h3>{{RESULTS_DOCUMENTS}}</h3> <ol class="documents"> {{#documents}} <li class="document" data-document="{{_type}}" data-result="{{_result}}"> <ul class="document__details"> <li class="info-item document-details__type"> <span class="info-item__name">{{RESULTS_DOCUMENT_TYPE}}</span> <span class="info-item__value">{{type}}</span> </li> <li class="info-item document-details__result"> <span class="info-item__name">{{RESULTS_DOCUMENT_RESULT}}</span> <span class="info-item__value">{{result}}</span> </li> </ul> <ul class="document__extracted-fields"> {{#extractedFields}} <li class="info-item extracted-field" data-field="{{_name}}"> <span class="info-item__name">{{name}}</span> </span class="info-item__value">{{value}}</span> </li> {{/extractedFields}} {{^extractedFields}} <li class="info-item"> <span class="info-item__value">{{RESULTS_EXTRACTED_FIELDS_NONE}}</span> </li> {{/extractedFields}} </ul> </li> {{/documents}} {{^documents}} <li class="info-item"> <span class="info-item__value">{{RESULTS_DOCUMENTS_NONE}}</span> </li> {{/documents}} </ol> <h3>{{RESULTS_DETAILS}}</h3> <ul> {{#resultDetails}} <li class="info-item" data-result-detail="{{_name}}"> <span class="info-item__name">{{name}}</span> <span class="info-item__value">{{value}}</span> </li> {{/resultDetails}} {{^resultDetails}} <li class="info-item"> <span class="info-item__value">{{RESULTS_DETAILS_NONE}}</span> </li> {{/resultDetails}} </ul> </div> <form class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="result__logout" class="button button--secondary" type="button" value="{{RESULTS_LOGOUT}}" /> <input data-jcs-element="result__journey__restart" class="button button--primary" type="button" value="{{RESULTS_NEW_JOURNEY}}" /> </form>
Name | Purpose | Required |
result__logout | Invoke a log out of the currently logged in user | No |
result__journey__restart | Invoke a new journey | No |
This template is used for showing the scanning UI to the user. This doesn’t
require any user interaction to function as intended. Actions are triggered by
the remote scanning services.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_SCANNER}}</h2> <div class="info-container"> <p class="info-item journey-state"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_STATE}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__state" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action-attempt"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION_ATTEMPT}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action__attempt" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-id"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ID}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__id" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> </div> <div data-jcs-element="scanner__box__title" class="scanner-title">{{SCANNER_TITLE_WAITING}}</div> <div data-jcs-element="scanner__box__subtitle" class="scanner-description">{{SCANNER_DESC_WAITING}}</div> <form class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="scanner__action" class="button button--primary" type="button" value="" /> </form>
Name | Purpose | Required |
info__journey__state | Displays the current state of the journey | No |
info__journey__action | Displays the currently required action | No |
info__journey__action__attempt | Displays how many attempts have been taken for the currently required action | No |
info__journey__id | Displays the current journey’s ID | No |
scanner__box__title | Displays top line text for the scanner status | No |
scanner__box__subtitle | Displays the bottom line text for the scanner status | No |
scanner__action | Begin the currently displayed scanner action | No |
This template is used to show the user the image which has been captured by the
camera or selected from the filesystem.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_VIEW}}</h2> <div class="info-container"> <p class="info-item journey-state"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_STATE}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__state" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action-attempt"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION_ATTEMPT}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action__attempt" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-id"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ID}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__id" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> </div> <div class="image-preview--container"> <img data-jcs-element="view__preview" class="image-preview"> </div> <form class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="view__retry" class="button button--secondary" type="button" value="{{VIEW_RETRY}}" /> <input data-jcs-element="view__begin__crop" class="button button--secondary" type="button" value="{{VIEW_CROP}}" /> <input data-jcs-element="view__upload" class="button button--primary" type="button" value="{{VIEW_UPLOAD}}" /> </form> <div data-jcs-element="view__status"> <p data-jcs-element="view__status__message"></p> </div>
Name | Purpose | Required |
info__journey__state | Displays the current state of the journey | No |
info__journey__action | Displays the currently required action | No |
info__journey__action__attempt | Displays how many attempts have been taken for the currently required action | No |
info__journey__id | Displays the current journey’s ID | No |
view__preview | Displays the captured image | Yes |
view__cancel | Cancel the current journey | No |
view__begin__crop | Send the current image to the cropping service for processing | No |
view__upload | Upload the current image | Yes |
view__status | The outer container for the status messages | No |
view__status__message | The message container for the status messages | No |
This template is used to take the user through the smart capture process using
the underlying internal ides web assembly services.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_SMART_CAPTURE}}</h2> <div class="info-container"> <p class="info-item journey-state"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_STATE}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__state" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-action-attempt"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ACTION_ATTEMPT}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__action__attempt" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> <p class="info-item journey-id"> <span class="info-item__name">{{INFO_JOURNEY_ID}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="info__journey__id" class="info-item__value">...</span> </p> </div> <form class="camera-options--container"> <p data-jcs-element="camera__status" class="camera-status"></p> <select data-jcs-element="camera__select" class="camera-choices"></select> </form> <div class="camera-viewfinder--container"> <canvas data-jcs-element="camera__viewfinder" class="camera-viewfinder"></canvas> </div> <div class="camera-conditions--container"> <span data-jcs-element="camera__condition__capturing" class="camera-condition camera-condition--capturing">{{CAMERA_CONDITION_CAPTURING}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="camera__condition__alignment" class="camera-condition camera-condition--alignment">{{CAMERA_CONDITION_ALIGNMENT}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="camera__condition__blur" class="camera-condition camera-condition--blur">{{CAMERA_CONDITION_BLUR}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="camera__condition__glare" class="camera-condition camera-condition--glare">{{CAMERA_CONDITION_GLARE}}</span> <span data-jcs-element="camera__condition__low__resolution" class="camera-condition camera-condition--low-resolution">{{CAMERA_CONDITION_LOW_RESOLUTION}}</span> </div> <form class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="camera__capture" class="button button--primary" type="button" value="{{CAMERA_CAPTURE}}" /> </form>
Name | Purpose | Required |
info__journey__state | Displays the current state of the journey | No |
info__journey__action | Displays the currently required action | No |
info__journey__action__attempt | Displays how many attempts have been taken for the currently required action | No |
info__journey__id | Displays the current journey’s ID | No |
camera__status | Displays the camera permissions/usability status messages | No |
camera__select | Displays the select element for picking the camera to use | No |
camera__viewfinder | Displays the preview for the image capture | Yes |
camera__condition__capturing | Displays whilst the automatic capture process is running | No |
camera__condition__alignment | Displays when the document isn’t wholly in the viewfinder or is too close to the edges | No |
camera__condition__blur | Displays when the image is too blurry | No |
camera__condition__glare | Displays when the image has signs of glare present | No |
camera__condition__low__resolution | Displays when the document in view isn’t covering enough of the viewfinder | No |
camera__capture | Begin automatic capture process | Yes |
This template is used when presenting the user with a list of the available
journeys. The user will be able to see a list of the journeys which are
configured in the back office, and pick from one. If there is only one journey
available, this screen will be bypassed. If there are none configured, an error
message will be shown.
Key | Value |
Type | TemplateType.String |
Processor | PreProcessor.Mustache |
Default Provider
<h2 class="section-title">{{PROVIDER_TITLE_JOURNEY_SELECT}}</h2> <form class="journey-select--choices"> <select data-jcs-element="journey-select__choices" class="journey-choices"></select> </form> <form class="button-container"> <input data-jcs-element="journey-select__continue" class="button button--primary" type="button" value="{{JOURNEY_SELECT_CONTINUE}}" /> </form>
Name | Purpose | Required |
journey-select__choices | Populated with a list of available journeys | Yes |
journey-select__continue | Continues the process with the selected journey | Yes |