Translation – GBG IDscan Documentation


In this section, we will walk through overriding the Translation keys.

dictionary: translationDictionary,

To override the translation keys, we recommend you create a separate constant file that you can then pass into the JourneyContainer dictionary parameter. Ensure the constant is declared above the JourneyContainer

const translationDictionary = {
             'PROVIDER_TITLE_GATEWAY': 'Provide some identification',
             'PROVIDER_TITLE_LIVENESS': 'Match the identification to your face',
             'CANCEL_JOURNEY': 'Cancel',
             'PROVIDER_TITLE_RESULTS': 'Results',
             'PROVIDER_TITLE_LOGIN': 'Log in',
             'RESULTS_NEW_JOURNEY': 'Upload another ID document',
             'RESULTS_FINISH': 'Finish',
             'PROVIDER_TITLE_SMART_CAPTURE': 'Scan your identification',
             'LOGIN_SUBMIT': 'Log in'

See Annexure A for all available translation keys

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