InputProvider – GBG IDscan Documentation


The available input providers for the system. Which input provider should be used is dictated by the services and should not be overridden unless absolutely necessary.


export declare enum InputProvider 

Enumeration Members

CAMERA"CAMERA"The customer will be presented with a viewfinder showing a camera preview with the option to manually capture a frame. Options should be provided to allow the user to control which camera to capture from based on their hardware’s capabilities.NOTE: This will require the user to allow access to the camera first using the browser’s default permissions process.
FILESYSTEM"FILESYSTEM"The customer will be presented with an input box to either select a file or drag a file into.
LIVENESS"LIVENESS"The customer will be presented with a viewfinder showing a camera preview with the option to begin the automatic capture. They will then be guided with on-screen instructions to indicate which pose should be performed.NOTE: This will require the user to allow access to the camera first using the browser’s default permissions dialog.
NONE"NONE"No input provider specified at this time. This could be because authentication is required or the results overview is being shown.
SCANNER"SCANNER"The customer will be presented with the current scanner status and instructions to allow to complete the capture process.NOTE: This will require the scanner to be set up and enabled in the configuration before it will be made available for use.
SMART_CAPTURE"SMART_CAPTURE"The customer will be presented with a viewfinder showing a camera preview with the option to begin the automatic capture.NOTE: This will require the user to allow access to the camera first using the browser’s default permissions dialog.
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