JourneyEvent – GBG IDscan Documentation


An event which can occur during the lifetime of the Journey.


export declare enum JourneyEvent 

Enumeration Members

AUTH_CHANGE"AUTH:CHANGE"Triggered when the authentication state in the SDK has changed.
CAMERA_CAPABILITIES_UPDATED"CAMERA:CAPABILITIES_UPDATED"Triggered when the observed capabilities of the devices found on this system have been updated. Note that they may not have changed, the data has just been refreshed when this has been triggered.
CAMERA_CHANGE"CAMERA:CHANGE"Triggered when the camera choice has been changed by the user.
CAMERA_DONE"CAMERA:DONE"Triggered when the camera action has finished and has been closed.
CAMERA_FEEDBACK"CAMERA:FEEDBACK"Triggered when the camera session has feedback to provide such as an image being captured, or the service rejecting an image.
CAMERA_PAUSE"CAMERA:PAUSE"Triggered when the camera action has been paused remotely.
CAMERA_POSE"CAMERA:POSE"Triggered when the service requires the user to pose for the camera. This will usually trigger several times in succession with different poses for the user to act upon.
CAMERA_READY"CAMERA:READY"Triggered when the camera and service are ready to begin. Clicking the retina__start button will begin the next section of the journey.
CAMERA_START"CAMERA:START"Triggered when the user clicks the retina__start button and transmission of frames to the remote server has begun.
CAMERA_STOP"CAMERA:STOP"Triggered when the camera session has stopped.
DISPLAY_PROVIDER"DISPLAY:PROVIDER"Triggered when the input provider has been changed and the new UI has been rendered to the specified container.
DISPLAY_STEP"DISPLAY:STEP"Triggered when the current step in the journey has changed and the new UI has been rendered to the specified container.
ERROR"ERROR"Triggered when an error has occurred in the SDK. This can be triggered for both fatal and recoverable exceptions.
JOURNEY_CANCEL"JOURNEY:CANCEL"Triggered when the current journey has been cancelled.
JOURNEY_CLEAR"JOURNEY:CLEAR"Triggered when the state of the current journey has been cleared/reset.
JOURNEY_END"JOURNEY:END"Triggered when the journey has ended naturally.
JOURNEY_PROGRESS"JOURNEY:PROGRESS"Triggered when the journey has progressed.
JOURNEY_START"JOURNEY:START"Triggered when the journey has started.
SCANNER_RESULT"SCANNER:RESULT"Triggered when the scanner has a result. It is accompanied with the results of the scan in the event.
SCANNER_UPDATE"SCANNER:UPDATE"Triggered when the scanner has an update such as a scan beginning, or processing beginning on a captured image.
TRANSFER_COMPLETE"TRANSFER:COMPLETE"Triggered when a file transfer has completed successfully. This can trigger for any file transfer including templates requested over the network and file uploads. The name specified when the request was made will be specified.
TRANSFER_FAILED"TRANSFER:FAILED"Triggered when a file transfer has failed during transit. This can trigger for any file transfer including templates requested over the network and file uploads. The name specified when the request was made will be specified.
TRANSFER_PROGRESS"TRANSFER:PROGRESS"Triggered when there has been progress in a file transfer. The values will be from 0-50 during the upload phase, and 50-100 during the download phase. This can trigger for any file transfer including templates requested over the network and file uploads. The name specified when the request was made will be specified.
TRANSFER_STARTED"TRANSFER:STARTED"Triggered when a file transfer has started. This can trigger for any file transfer including templates requested over the network and file uploads. The name specified when the request was made will be specified.
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