Advanced React Integration with JSS – GBG IDscan Documentation

Advanced React Integration with JSS

(via Aphrodite)

Throughout this document we will show developers how to integrate WJCS within a React component, we will be using react version 16.8 and typescript 3.3 (latest versions are recommended) to demonstrate the rich features of the WJCS library.


To initialise WJCS, a new instance of the JourneyContainer must be created and the initialise function called on the instance within the componentDidMount function of your React component.

Javascript Implementation:

componentDidMount() {
    this.journeyContainer = new JourneyContainer({
        auth: false,
        backendUrl: '',
        container: this.idScanDisplayContainer,
        templates: this.templates,
        dictionary: this.dictionary,
        onJourneyEvent: this.onJourneyEvent,
        token: YOUR_API_TOKEN


Typescript Implementation:

componentDidMount(): void {
    this.container = new JourneyContainer({
        auth: false,
        backendUrl: '',
        container: this.idScanDisplayContainer,
        templates: this.templates,
        dictionary: this.dictionary,
        onJourneyEvent: this.onJourneyEvent,
        token: YOUR_API_TOKEN



WJCS will be rendered into the element referenced in the container property of the JourneyContainer constructor. In this case we will be setting this to this.idScanDisplayContainer as referenced in the HTML below.

render() {
    return (
        <div className="id-scan-content" ref={ref => this.idScanDisplayContainer = ref}>


To terminate the JourneyContainer instance the developer must call the terminate method on the journeyContainer variable created in the previous steps. It is recommended that the WJCS library is terminated when the componentWillUnmount function is triggered in the React components life cycle.

Javascript Implementation:

componentWillUnmount() {

Typescript Implementation:

componentWillUnmount(): void {
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