SDK – GBG IDscan Documentation



JourneyContainerPrimary container for the IDScan Journey


ChangeModeThe mode to use when changing input providers
CurrentResultThe current result state of the journey.
DocumentRoleType for DocumentRole
DocumentSideType for DocumentSide
DocumentSourceEnum for user Document Source which is used in the upload
FlowStateThe current capture state of the journey. The value of this is dictated by the server. These values are usually used alongside the RequiredAction enum values returned with events.
HighLevelResultThe current result of the journey. This will change as the journey progresses and will only be finalised at the end of the journey process.
ImageFormatType for ImageFormat
InputProviderThe available input providers for the system. Which input provider should be used is dictated by the services and should not be overridden unless absolutely necessary.
JourneyEventAn event which can occur during the lifetime of the Journey.
JourneyStateThe current state of the Journey
PreProcessorThe pro-processor to run the template string through before writing it to the DOM. Please check the integration documents or the Templatesdocumentation for information on which properties will be passed in for processors to use, and guidelines for defining templates. All pre-processors will be provided with the same data unless otherwise stated.
RequiredActionThe currently required action
ScannerErrorThe error state of the scanner.
ScannerStateThe current state of the scanner.
ScanProcessThe current stage of the scanning process.
TemplatesPossible templates which can be specified. For suggested template modifications, default values and template flow, please consult the integration documentation.
TemplateTypeThe way the template should be processed to gain the template string for use in this particular UI situation. For more detailed information, please consult the integration guide.
TranslationKeyThese are the available translatable objects which will be referenced by the SDK internally when templating the UI.NOTE: Some of these are non-standard as they’re used to control translations for values coming back from the API. Please be mindful of this when altering this object.


ICameraOptionsOptions for the camera
IContainerConfigurationContainerConfiguration object interface for JourneyContainer.
IDataStoreFormatThe data stored in the DataStore. This can be extended by other entities, so be sure to check the documentation for those too.
IDocumentA document description returned from the services
IDocumentImageConfiguration object interface for DocumentImage
IEndpointsEndpoints used to retrieve data from the services.NOTE: You should not need to alter any of these settings under normal circumstances. Please refer to the integration guide before making changes.
IExtendedDocumentAn extended document description returned from the services
IExtractedFieldConfiguration object interface for ExtractedField
IFinalResultConfiguration object interface for FinalResult
IFunctionTemplateConfigurationConfiguration type which uses a synchronous function to retrieve the template string.
IHttpServiceConfigurationInterface for configuring the HttpService
IIdScanDataThe data stored in the DataStore.
IJourneyDefinitionInterface for JourneyDefinitions
IJourneyEntryDefinitionInterface for IJourneyEntryDefinition
IJourneyEventMetaDataThis meta data will be emitted alongside a JourneyEvent. For more detailed information about what to expect with each event, please consult the integration documentation.
IJourneyInformationData structure for Journey
IJourneyStateThe current state of the journey.
IMetaDataConfiguration object interface for MetaData
INullTemplateConfigurationAn empty template provider.NOTE: This will throw an intentional exception when passed into configuration.
IOverlayConfigurationOptions for the camera overlay
IPersistenceSettingsPersistence settings for the instance of the SDK
IPersonThe data about the person which has been extrapolated from the provided identity documents.
IPersonAddressAddress for the Person
IProcessedDocumentConfiguration object interface for ProcessedDocument
IPromiseTemplateConfigurationConfiguration type which uses a promise function to retrieve the template string.
IReticleConfigurationConfiguration options for a reticle
ISmartCaptureConfigurationConfiguration for the Smart Capture component.
IStringTemplateConfigurationConfiguration type which returns a static string as the template string.
IUrlTemplateConfigurationConfiguration type which provides a URL to retrieve the template string from.NOTE: Nothing is prepended to the URL string before the request is made, so it is possible to use either fully qualified addresses or relative addresses for the provider configuration.

Type Aliases

Type AliasDescription
CallbackGeneral interface for the callback functions
ITemplateConfigurationCombined type for template configuration blocks. Please refer to the union types within for further documentation.
TemplateDictionaryThe set of templates which can be overridden. Any templates which are not overridden will fall back to the defaults. Take care to follow the integration guide when overriding templates.
TranslationDictionaryA collection of TranslationKeys and their translations
TranslatorFunction which accepts a key, language and props to produce a translated string

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