Administration Portal Config List 8.4 – GBG IDscan Documentation

Administration Portal Config List 8.4

Authentication Tolerance Overall tolerance level (system-wide setting) Default Medium Strict
Document Tolerance Document level tolerance Enable/Disable
Triple ScanSupports scanning of documents up to 3 attempts in case of document is not recognised Enable/Disable
Backside Check Requires BACKSIDE of document where applicable (please add list of documents where this is required) Enable/Disable
FaceMatch Compares portrait image from identity document against submitted selfie image Enable/Disable
LivenessChecks if there is a live person in front of the camera by asking the user to perform sequence of actions Enable/Disable
Liveness Action Timeout Maximum timeout for each action  
Number of Liveness Actions Number of actions to be performed as part of liveness check  
Max Failures Accepted liveness action failure to be considered  
Address Document Requires Proof of Address documents like Utility Bills, Council Tax statements etc. to be submitted as part of the journey. Enable/Disable
Under Age Check Performs a proof of age check based on Date of Birth field in the identity document Enable/Disable
Minimum Allowed Age Minimum allowed age to be underage.  
Expiry Check Checks whether identity document has expired based on “Expiry Date” field. Enable/Disable
Document Proof Policy Acceptable documents / Whitelist Enable/Disable
Import settings from XML  
Verbose Logging Enables detailed logging of application actions Enable/Disable
Logo Filename Image file to be used as logo in IDscan Portal. (File Size: xxx KB / File Format: JPG/PNG)  
Cookie Lifespan by Hours    
Journey Notification Enables push journey progress for web hook. Enable/Disable
Journey Notification URL Web URL for journey notifications Enable/Disable
Connection Timeout ADD DESCRIPTION  
Enable Auditing   True
Auditing Modules ADD DESCRIPTION DB File
Audit File PathLog File Location C:\ProgramData\IDScan\IDScanEnterprise\Audit
Mapping ModeDefines how scanners are mapped either to IP address or User Groups.IP Range User Group
Server URL    
  • Move “Terminal Mapping” section to this group.
  • Change “Terminal Mapping” to “Scanner Sharing List”
  • Change “Terminal Id” to “Scanner IP”
  • If the value of MappingMode is “Browser IP range”, show “Browser IP range” and “Scanner IP”
  • If the value of MappingMode is “User Group”, show “User Group” and “Scanner Serial Number”
EMAIL SETTINGS (used for reporting)
Use SSL   True/False
SMTP Server Address SMTP server IP Address or Name  
SMTP Port Default: 25  
SMTP Requires Authentication Whether SMTP requires credentials for access True/False
Sender Account Email Address displayed when sending these emails
Auto Report Export ADD DESCRIPTION Enabled/Disabled
Report Path Location where exported reports are saved  
Recipient Account Email account for notifying failed reports  
  • Combine “Sample Report” to “Reporting”
  • SampleReportMode: Reporting samples via
  • If SampleReportMode is “local” or “all”, show SampleReportPath
  • SampleReportPath: Location to save samples for reporting
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