Healthcheck Configuration – GBG IDscan Documentation

Healthcheck Configuration

In order to introduce health-check endpoint in the backend, the following steps need to be performed:

<add key="HealthCheckUrl" value="http://*:8080/HealthCheck/" /> 
should be added to IDES config file. 

The IDES service should be restarted. 

The following keys should be added to the web.config file. 

<add key="IdesHealthCheckUrl" value="http://{serverUrl}:8080/HealthCheck/"/> 

<add key="IdfmHealthCheckUrl" value="http://{serverUrl}/idfm/api/face/health"/>

You can call the endpoint like this: https://[Domain]/IDScanEnterpriseSvc/Health/Get  in order to see if the connection is alive or not. 

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