This allows selecting specific journeys on the mobile channel.
There are 3 ways how we can access specific journey select one best fitting your case:
1. Provide journey GUID when creating a customer journey intent
val config = CustomerJourneyConfig.Builder(
baseUrl = baseUrl,
credentials = Credentials(username, password),
journeyDefinitionId = journeyDefinitionGUID // Add hardcoded or retrieved journeyDefinitionId
// Call to open Customer Journey
val customerJourney = Intent(this,
customerJourney.putExtra(CustomerJourneyActivity.EXTRA_CONFIG, config)
2. Fetch possible journeys on the mobile channel and ask customer journey to use the selected one.
private val callback = object : OnJourneyDefinitionCallback {
override fun onError(code: Int, message: String) {
// Returns server error, check section: Web errors
override fun onSuccess(list: List<JourneyDefinition>) {
// Returns list of JourneyDefinitions
Follow starting intent from 1 example.
3. Select journey on the go from a listener if there is more that one choice it will return selection if not it will skip callback.
private val multipleJourneyDefinitionEventReceiver = object : MultipleJourneyDefinitionEventReceiver() {
override fun onList(list: List<JourneyDefinition>): String {
Toast.makeText(this@CustomerJourneySample, "Name: ${list.last().name}", LENGTH_LONG).show()
// Parse list and select journey definition id you are interested in and return it.
// For more information on JourneyDefinition check section:
return list.last().journeyDefinitionId
//Register for callbacks - this activates the server call
MultipleJourneyDefinitionService.registerEventReceiver(this, multipleJourneyDefinitionEventReceiver)
// Unregister from the callbacks when done
MultipleJourneyDefinitionService.unregisterEventReceiver(this, multipleJourneyDefinitionEventReceiver)
Launch Customer Journey as normal