IDESV2 Field ID’s – GBG IDscan Documentation

IDESV2 Field ID’s

FirstName – The first name extracted from the document

MiddleName – The middle name extracted from the document

FirstIssuanceDate – The first issue date of this document in ISO 8601 format

LastName – The last name extracted from the document

SecondLastName – The second last name extracted from the document

FullName – The full name extracted from document.

BirthDate – The birth date of person in the document in ISO 8601 format

IssueDate – The issue date the document in ISO 8601 format

ExpiryDate – The expiration date of the document in ISO 8601 format

PersonalNumber – The personal number extracted from the document

NationalityCode – The country nationality ISO code the document.

NationalityName – The nationality name of the client.

BarcodeItems – Collection of generic barcode items

BirthPlace – The person birth place extracted from the document

BirthPlaceCity – The birth city of the person extracted from the document

BirthPlaceState – The birth state of the person extracted from the document

BirthPlaceCountry – The birth country of the person extracted from the document

MRZFull – The full MRZ (all lines)

MRZLine1 – The first line of the MRZ

MRZLine2 – The second line of the MRZ

MRZLine3 – The third line of the MRZ

ObservationPage – ObservationPage

IssuingAuthority – The authority issuing the document

IssuingLocation – The location where the document was issued

MaritalStatus – The marital status of the person (single or married)

Occupation – Occupation

Sex – The person gender field extracted from document

AlienNumber – The alien number extracted from the document

Employer – The name of the employer

AddressLine1 – The first line of the address

AddressLine2 – The second line of the address

AddressLine3 – The thrid line of the address

AddressLine4 – The fourth line of the address

AddressCity – The city of the address

AddressState – The state of the address

AddressDistrict – The district of the address

AddressBuildingNumber – The building number of the address

AddressBuildingName – The building name of the address

AddressStreet – The street of the address

AddressCountry – The country of the address

AddressPostCode – The post code of the address

RefAddressFull – The full reference address (all lines)

RefAddressLine1 – The first line of the reference address

RefAddressLine2 – The second line of the reference address

RefAddressLine3 – The thrid line of the reference address

RefAddressLine4 – The fourth line of the reference address

RefAddressCity – The city of the reference address

RefAddressState – The state of the reference address

RefAddressDistrict – The district of the reference address

RefAddressBuildingNumber – The building number of the reference address

RefAddressBuildingName – The building name of the reference address

RefAddressSubBuildingName – The sub-building name of the reference address

RefAddressStreet – The street of the reference address

RefAddressCountry – The country of the reference address

RefAddressPostCode – The postcode of the reference address

HealthNumber – The health number extracted from the document

Endorsements – Endorsements

Constraints – Constraints

LicenseMarine – LicenseMarine

Height – The height of the person

Weight – The weight of the person

HairColor – The hair color of the person

EyeColor – The eye color of the person

LensData – The lens data of the person

CreditCardNumber – The number of the credit card

BankCardType – The type of this bank card

BankCardSecurityCode – The security code of the bank card

LicenseCategory – The license category of the document

SocialSecurityNumber – The social security number extracted from the document

NationalInsuranceNumber – The national insurance number extracted from the document

Race – Race

MotherName – The mother name extracted from the document

FatherName – The father name extracted from the document

Parents – Parents

Remarks – Remarks

DistinguishingMarks – Distinguishing marks

PeriodOfStay – Period of stay

TaxNumber – The tax number extracted from the document

Donor – Donor

RFIDG1 – The raw data from RFID.

RFIDG2 – The raw data from RFID.

RFIDG3 – The raw data from RFID.

RFIDG15 – The raw data from RFID.

RFIDSOD – The raw data from RFID.

DocumentNumber – The identifying number of the document such as document number, driver number, passport number

AddressFull – The full address (all lines)

PortraitPhoto – The person photo extracted from the document

Title – Title

IssueDate2 – The second issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format

ExpiryDate2 – The second expiry date of the document in ISO 8601 format

LicenseCategory2 – The second license category of the document

IssueDate3 – The third issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format

ExpiryDate3 – The third expiry date of the document in ISO 8601 format

LicenseCategory3 – The third license category of the document

IssueDate4 – The fourth issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format

ExpiryDate4 – The fourth expiry date of the document in ISO 8601 format

LicenseCategory4 – The fourth license category of the document
MRZCode1 – MRZCode1

MRZCode2 – MRZCode2

MRZStandardType – The standard type of the ICAO document

AddressStreetSuffix – The street suffix of the address

AddressStreetType – The street type of the address

AddressUnitNumber – The unit number of the address

LicenseNumber – The license number of the document

AddressStateCode – The state code of the address

AddressStreetTypeAbbreviation – The street abbreviation of the address

AddressUnitType – The unit type of the address

AddressDeliveryPointIdentifier – The delivery point identifier (DPID) of the address

AgeCategory – The category of the age

ChildernCount – The total number of children for the person

EntryMode – The mode of allowed entries for this person

VAFNumber – The visa application form number extracted from the document

IssueNumber – The issue number extracted from the document

AddressLine5 – The fifth line of the address

RFIDPortraitPhoto – The person photo stored in the biometric chip

RefAddressLine5 – The fifth line of the reference address

RefAddressStateCode – The state code of the reference address

RefAddressStreetType – The street type of the reference address

RefAddressStreetTypeAbbreviation – The street type abbreviation of the reference address

RefAddressStreetSuffix – The street suffix of the reference address

RefAddressUnitNumber – The unit number of the reference address

RefAddressUnitType – The unit type of the reference address

RefAddressPostcodeType – The postcode type of the reference address

RefAddressDeliveryPointIdentifier – The delivery point identifier (DPID) of the reference address

RefAddressPOBoxNumber – The P.O.Box number of the reference address

RefAddressDependentLocality – The dependent locality of the reference address

RefAddressDoubleDependentLocality – The double dependent locality of the reference address

RefAddressThoroughfare – The thoroughfare of the reference address

RefAddressThoroughfareDesc – The thoroughfare description of the reference address

RefAddressDependentThoroughfare – The dependent thoroughfare of the reference address

RefAddressDependentThoroughfareDesc – The dependent thoroughfare description of the reference address

RefAddressSubBuildingNumber – The sub-building number of the reference address

AddressSubBuildingNumber – The sub-building number of the address

AddressSubBuildingName – The sub-building name of the address

AddressPostCodeType – The postcode type of the address

LastNameFirstPart – The first few characters of the last name extracted from the document

IssuingAuthorityType – The type of the authority issuing the document

FirstNameInitial – The first character of the first name extracted from the document

Signature – The signature of the person

Hologram – The hologram extracted from the document

CardNumber – The card number of the document

MiddleNameInitial – The first character of the middle name

DocumentNumberCheckDigit – The check digit character of the document number field

ArbitraryDigit – The arbitary digit of the document number field

PermitNumber – The permit number of the document

ReferenceNumber -The reference number of the document

CustomerNumber – The customer number of the document

BOSNumber –The BOS number of the document

StudentID – The student identification number extracted from the document

MembershipNumber – The membership number extracted from the document

LicenseType – The type of the license

LicenseType2 – The second type of the license

LicenseType3 – The third type of the license

LicenseType4 – The fourth type of the license

DocumentTypeCode – The type code of the document

MRZDocumentNumberCheckDigit – The check digit of the document number contained in the MRZ

MRZBirthDateCheckDigit – The check digit of the birth date contained in the MRZ

MRZExpiryDateCheckDigit – The check digit of the expiry date contained in the MRZ

MRZPersonalNumberCheckDigit – The check digit of the personal number contained in the MRZ

MRZCompositeCheckDigit – The composite check digit of the MRZ

SecondaryPortraitPhoto – The second portrait photo extratced from the document

Fingerprint – The finger print extracted from the document

VersionNumber – The version number of the document

Conditions – Conditions

NickName – Nick Name

AddressApartmentNumber – The Address Apartment Number

AddressFloorNumber –The address floor number

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