Migration from 8.3.0 to 8.3.1
MJCS minimum version increased from API 19 to API 21 for AndroidX Renderscroipt crashing to support Native Renderscript as workaround.
For using EnterpriseService.submitLiveness() call to build LivenessRequest you need to use RequestLiveness().convert(mJourneyID, mAggregatedResult)
as there are extra security values now.
For Kotlin user we Offer EnterpriseService.Builder interface.
Migration from 8.2.1 to 8.3.0
New profile update deprecated all Profiles of 1.14.0 version, new profiles are supported 1.16.0. Liveness Maven links unified for core and models and only liveness-core should be left DocumentScannerService now offer callback: onProcessingCancelled() as optional callback.
Removed Deprecations mostly from 8.0:
- Removed
from ManaulExtractionArguments: Deprecated values in 8.0.0
- EXTRA_FEATURE_BOUNDS // Was no longer used, ignored
- EXTRA_EXTRACTED_IMAGE_PATH // Was no longer used, ignored
- EXTRA_JPEG_QUALITY // Was no longer used, ignored
- Removed
from Document ScannerActivity: Deprecated values in 8.0.0
- SCANNER_TYPE_CLASSIFICATION // Was no longer used, ignored
- SCANNER_TYPE_MACHINE_READABLE_ZONE // Was no longer used, ignored
- EXTRA_ALERT_DIALOG_TITLE // Was no longer used, ignored
- FilesManager removed: Deprecated in 8.0
- StringUtils removed: Deprecated in 8.0
- UiUtils removed: Deprecated in 8.0
- Removed
from: LogWriter
- writeLog removed: Deprecated in 8.0
Updated Dependencies:
- Breaking
compatibly migrations
- AndroidX
- Kotlin 1.3.11
- Coroutines 1.1.1
- MJCS now supports Armv8 (64bit) and x86_32 Architectures.
GitHub Sample app based on Kotlin and AndroidX.
Migration from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1
New profile update deprecated all Profiles of 1.13.1 version, new profiles are supported 1.14.0. DocumentScannerService now offer callback: onProcessingCancelled() as optional callback.
Removed Deprecations:
- Credentials.AREA_RETRIEVAL
- Security risk to use on device deprecated in 8.0
- getRawJson and setRawJson
– We’re not providing excepted result deprecated in 8.0
Proxy users: changed endpoint of Login. (Issue with proxy as login in background was calling token) From -> idscanenterprisesvc/account/login/To -> idscanenterprisesvc/token
Updated Dependencies:
- Retrofit updated from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
- Okhttp3 from 3.2.0 to 3.11.0
Migration from 8.1.1 to 8.2.0
New profile system deprecated all Profiles of 1.8.0 version new profiles are supported 1.13.1
Image Quality Checks:
- Image Quality checks moved from AuthenticationChecks to ImageQualityCheks class.
- New
check LowResolutionCheck
- For translation key: action_required_low_resolution_detected
Gson dependency updated from 2.8.2 to 2.8.5
MJCS.init() has now possibility to throw exceptions, documented in JavaDoc.
- AggregatedResult – now contains bitmaps, and should not be send as Parcelable object.
- ActionResultState – now contains bitmaps, and should not be send as Parcelable object.
Migrating from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1
For Proxy setups if you are using liveness: idscanenterprisesvc/journey/liveness/
Migrating from 1.6.14 to 8.1.0
Changed how we add MJCS to project
- Please refer to section: Android Studio – Maven.
Changed package name, to “com.idscan.mjcs”
- More information in JavaDocs under name mjcs-api-docs
Changed init function name.
- From IDSmart.init(context) to MJCS.init(context)
- More information in JavaDocs under name mjcs-api-docs
Changed response objects for DocumentScannerService:
- We no longer provide a response in Metadata Object but in ‘com.idscan.ides.Document’
- The result is unified under Document class and we no longer support scanner types as this is done from model links.
- Legacy “MachineReadableZoneMetadataObject” OCR results are removed and we offer server results as they have higher accuracy.
- More information in JavaDocs under name mjcs-core-api-docs
Changed endpoints and their actions:
- Changed endpoints for users using reverse proxy or similar. Changes reflect increased security with 8.0.0 IEOS servers.
- From idscanenterprisesvc/scan/send to idscanenterprisesvc/journey/upload
- From idscanenterprisesvc/search/getentryresult/ to idscanenterprisesvc/journey/get/
- Refer for updated actions in section “Concept of IEOS driven Onboarding Journeys”
- More information in JavaDocs under name mcjs-web-api-docs