Migration Guide for Web SDK – GBG IDscan Documentation

Migration Guide for Web SDK

Migration Guide for Web SDK Customers using their own Templates for the Web SDK

This guide is for migrating from WebSDK versions older than 9.1.3 (20.12 release, Jan 2021) to and version newer than 9.2.4 (21.2 release Mar 2021)

Please note: This migration guide is for customers that use their own templates. Please consider the following changes that may affect your integration.

Checkbox to switch from Capture to File Upload

If you have implemented the ability for your users to switch from camera capture to file upload (or vice versa), the checkbox functionality has now been removed and this functionality will no longer work as expected. The functionality is now a hyperlink button that a user will now select to switch between the two providers.

Option 1: Implement a button – if you decide that you want to implement a button instead of the checkbox now, you will need to switch out the checkbox functionality for a button that has the following structure:

<button data-jcs-element="gateway__upload__toggle" class="button button--tertiary button--worker" aria-label="Button Title">
        <div data-jcs-element="gateway__upload__toggle__upload__label">
        <div data-jcs-element="gateway__upload__toggle__camera__label">

The element “gateway__upload__toggle” is the button that will have the click event attached. And the other two elements, the “gateway__upload__toggle__upload__label” and “gateway__upload__toggle__camera__label” are the two elements that will be hidden and shown depending on the provider (file upload or camera capture) that hold the different translations strings that can be customized.

Option 2: Keep your current checkbox in place – if you want to keep the UI checkbox functionality in place, you will have to make sure that the button functionality is hidden from the UI, but implement logic to connect the button up with the behaviour of the checkbox

Capturing state for Smart Capture

The element ‘Camera_Condition_Capturing’ is no longer available and has been removed in the latest version. If you were dependent on this logic, you will need to change this logic, so the behaviour of your journey is no longer reliant on the ‘Capturing’ condition and remove this from the UI (if being shown currently). Please see below for example of code to remove from your template:


<span data-jcs-element="camera__condition__capturing" class="camera-condition camera-condition--capturing">{{CAMERA_CONDITION_CAPTURING}}</span>

‘State’ element is no longer available

The ‘Info_Journey_State’ is no longer available in the latest version of the Web SDK. If you were dependent on this logic, you will need to change this logic so the behaviour of your journey is no longer reliant on this.


Example of all possible states that were available:

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