CustomerJourney Additional Data – GBG IDscan Documentation

CustomerJourney Additional Data

CustomerJourney allows passing additional data through for each RequiredAction.

To do this a `CusomerJourneyEventListener` must be created. Then the `onEnterpriseRequest()` must be overridden. onEnterpriseRequest() provides `EnterpriseRequeustModifer` which will allow you to add an `AdditionalDataEntry`.

The current required action is also provided so the information sent can be tailored to each step.


private val customerJourneyEventListener = object : CustomerJourneyEventListener {
    override fun onJourneyCompleted(responseJourney: ResponseJourney) {    
    override fun onJourneyFailed(customerJourneyError: CustomerJourneyError) {
    override fun onJourneyCanceled(customerJourneyError: CustomerJourneyError) {
    override fun onServerInfo(info: ResponseVersionInfo) {         
    override fun onEnterpriseRequest(requestModifier: EnterpriseRequestModifier, requiredAction: Action): EnterpriseRequestModifier {
        requestModifier.additionalData.add(AdditionalDataEntry("ADDITIONAL_DATA_TEST", "ENT-706"))
        return requestModifier
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