Using the SDK – GBG IDscan Documentation

Using the SDK

To use the SDK within your application:

  • Choose your framework file, and drag and drop the MJCS.framework and RecognizerApi.framework into your Xcode project (when asked to copy files, tick the box).
  • Select your project within the project navigator, select your application target and navigate to the “Build Phases” tab.
  • Drag and drop the MJCS.framework and RecognizerApi.framework into ‘Link Binary With Libraries’ section if it isn’t already present.
  • Expand the ‘Embed Frameworks’ section on Build Phases also, to add ‘MJCS.framework’ and ‘RecognizerApi.framework’ there as well.
  • The SDK uses 3rd party dependencies that you are required to add:
    • AFNetworking.framework – Only if using IDSEnterpriseService class (
    • ZipZap.framework (
    • FLAnimatedImage.framework – Only if using liveness (
  • If you want to have pre-installed profile (document resources for smart capture functionality) bundle add a default zip file into your project. The package should be called as: ‘’

The SDK should be initialized before using any SDK function. You can either initialize before using directly (lazy) or while application is loading.

MJCS loadSDK];

Once you finish your on-boarding process and no longer require MJCS, you should unload resources from the memory by calling the following method:

[MJCS disposeSDK]; 

To then use the various classes within MJCS, at the top of your implementation file import the MJCS umbrella header:

Objective-C -> @import MJCS 
Swift -> import MJCS
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