Requirements for using specific parts of Customer Journey while sending if not using our provided solutions.
Identity document uploading
- Resolutions: FULL HD if the document is not cropped it should fill min 90% of this space.
- Image Format: JPEG
- Image Compression: Recommended 100 or at least 90% as it will affect OCR reading.
- Preferred orientation:

When sending an image to IEOS, you are required to specify whether document is extracted (cropped) or not:
[IDSEnterpriseService submitDocumentConstructingWithBlock:^(IDSEnterpriseSendRequest * _Nonnull request) { request.isExtracted = NO;
Proof of Address Uploading
- Resolutions: 4K, if the document is not cropped it should fill min 90% of this space.
- Image Format: JPEG
- Image Compression: Recommended 100 or at least 90% as it will affect OCR reading.
- Preferred orientation:

Selfie Uploading
- Resolutions: 1024 x 640 fill 70 % at least. (Bigger resolutions can influence results heavily)
- Image Format: JPEG
- Image Compression: Recommended 100 or at least 90%.
- Preferred orientation:

NOTE: Use preferred orientation, as the incorrect orientation can heavily affect results. This issue is observed in the release of IEOS 7.7.3.