Actions – GBG IDscan Documentation


The API service exposes the following actions in JSON format:


This action is used for user authentication. It accepts the login credentials and returns the user full name, his role and an authentication token.

For demonstration purposes, the system will be supported with service accounts to be used with authentication calls, no password policies are applied on these accounts, and these accounts are:

scanuserscanpasswordCase Sensitive
invuserinvpasswordCase Sensitive


[POST] https://{serviceURL}/idscanenterprisesvc/token Request/Response
format: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


UserNameMandatory, the user login nameString
PasswordMandatory, the user passwordString
areaMandatory, application area (used to check if the user is authorised to access the required resource), possible values (investigation, scanning)String
grant_typeMandatory, the grant_type parameter must be set to “password”String, the key is in lower case


Key NameDescriptionFormat
UsernameUser login nameString
FullNameUser full nameString
RoleUser roleString
TokenAuthentication token
String, the key is in lower case

Important Notes: Notice that the content-type and payload type is “x-www-form-urlencoded” so the payload body will be on form (grant_type=password&username=”yourusername”&password=”yourpassword”). If all is correct, you’ll notice that you’ve received signed token on the response.

The Authentication Token should be sent along with every forthcoming request in the http headers. The authentication token can be set in the HTTP request one of the following ways:

  • By using Cookie:
    • Cookie: token= DE14ydbxNEiUuIaV2tHN2A
  • By using Authorization Http header:
    • Authorization: DE14ydbxNEiUuIaV2tHN2A

Authentication action must be called before attempting Upload or Retrieval, each action has its designated value of the “area” parameter in the authentication request.

Calls must have an authentication token that was acquired with the appropriate “area” in order to do successful calls, the area names required for calls are as of the following:

Action NameAreaFormat
RetrievalInvestigationLower case string
UploadScanningLower case string


"access_token": "OpZPv7wD2pS1PVCqXQEvcA7UCdmeMk…", "token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 35999, "BranchCode": "",
"": "Superadministrator", "FullName": "",
"AbbeyServiceCentre": "", "JourneyId": "",
"": "SuperAdministrator", ".issued": "Mon, 07 Jan 2019 07:00:18 GMT",
".expires": "Mon, 07 Jan 2019 17:00:18 GMT"


This action is used for uploading a document image to IDscan backend to be processed along with an optional face match input data to match two faces, the high level result of processing is included in the response of this action call.

Important note: Authentication must be done before calling this action, for more information please refer to Authentication section.


[POST] https://{serviceURL}/idscanenterprisesvc/journey/upload
Request/Response format: JSON

Body Parameters:

journeyIDMandatory, Reference number of the requested entryString


Date and time of entry in local format of the server PC
JourneyId A unique formatted id of the entryGUID
HighLevelResultDetails The details of the high level result decision. This will include the reasons that caused the journey to refer Values will vary depending on the configured business rules to refer a journey
HighLevelResult The processing result, see Table for possible values String
ProcessedDocuments Collection of processed documents (see Processed Document object) Object
ReferenceNumber Unique entry reference number String
Applied Authentication Tolerance Level in journey String
AdditionalData Set of Additional Data that linked to the journey Object

Possible Processing result for HighLevelResult:

Expired One or more of the documents in the case was expired
NotAccepted One or more of the documents in the case was not accepted by business rules
Notsupported One or more of the documents in the case was not recognized by IDES
Passed All documents in the case(entry) has passed the business rules and authentication checks
Refer One or more of the documents in the case did not pass authentication checks
Undefined The system does not have enough information to provide a decision on the case, possible reasons:
– System needs more documents or needs to scan the backside of the document as defined in business rules configurations.
– System needs to scan the document again due to bad image quality.

Processed Document Object:

The issuing country codeString, 3 digits ISO 3166-1 standard
IssuingCountryName The issuing country nameString
DocumentCategory High level grouping of doc types as of Document Expert knowledge
DocumentImages A list of output image objects in the following format: “Role”: “WhiteImage”, “Url”: “Http URL to download the image in jpg format”List of Object
DocumentName Friendly name of the document including the issuing country name String
Deprecated, the captured side of the document. String. Possible Values: “Front”, “Back”
DocumentType Determines the document type, e.g. Passport, Driving License, Resident Permit etc. (see Annex1 for possible values)String
ExtractedFields List of the extracted fields from doc, see “Extracted Field Object” List of Object
HighLevelResult The processing result for a particular document image, see Table for possible valuesString
Determines whether the doc was validated by the system or notString “true”, “false” or “undetermined”
ScanDateTime Date and time of scanning the document imageDateTime
DigitalTamperingValidatorDetermines the document is tampered or not String “Passed” or “Failed

Extracted Field Object

NameName of the extracted fieldString
ValueThe extracted value from the documentString
OCRValueThe original OCR valueString
LocalValueThe local value from the documentString
OCRLocalValueThe original OCR local valueString

Important Note: The authentication must be done before calling this action, for more information please refer to Authentication section.

Example URL


[GET] https://serviceurl/idscanenterprisesvc/journey/get?journeyId=13ccc9de-0e6c-4e18-8518-f7a7586cc316


Note: The structure of the response will be the same regardless of the document type but the extracted field list in this example is for demonstration purposes only; possible list of extracted fields depends on the document type being processed, list of possible extracted fields can be found under Annex2.

"JourneyId": "f1d6ea32-cec2-46ad-a041-4bd53e17d450",
"HighLevelResult": "Passed",
"HighLevelResultDetails": [
"InitiatedDateTime": "2019-01-07T09:59:58.782926",
"ProcessedDocuments": [
"IssuingCountryCode": "DEU",
"IssuingCountryName": "Germany",
"DocumentCategory": "National Identification Card",
"DocumentType": "National Identification Card",
"DocumentName": "Germany-National Identification Card",
"DocumentSide": "Front",
"IsValidated": "true",
"ScanDateTime": "2019-01-07T09:59:58.782926",
"HighLevelResult": "Passed",
"ExtractedFields": [
"Name": "DocumentNumber",
"Value": "{{Extracted Document Number}}"
"OCRValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Value}}"
"LocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number Local Value}}"
"OCRLocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Local Value}}"
"Name": "FirstName",
"Value": "{{Extracted First Name}}"
"OCRValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Value}}"
"LocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number Local Value}}"
"OCRLocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Local Value}}"
"Name": "BirthDate",
"Value": "{{Extracted Birth Date}}"
"OCRValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Value}}"
"LocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number Local Value}}"
"OCRLocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Local Value}}"
"Name": "BirthPlace",
"Value": "{{Extracted Birth Place}}"
"OCRValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Value}}"
"LocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number Local Value}}"
"OCRLocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Local Value}}"
"Name": "LastName",
"Value": "{{Extracted Last Name}}"
"OCRValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Value}}"
"LocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number Local Value}}"
"OCRLocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Local Value}}"
"Name": "SecondLastName",
"Value": "{{Extracted Second Last Name}}"
"OCRValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Value}}"
"LocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number Local Value}}"
"OCRLocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Local Value}}"
"Name": "NationalityCode",
"Value": "DEU"
"OCRValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Value}}"
"LocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number Local Value}}"
"OCRLocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Local Value}}"
"Name": "NationalityName",
"Value": "German"
"OCRValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Value}}"
"LocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number Local Value}}"
"OCRLocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Local Value}}"
"Name": "FullName",
"Value": "{{Full Name}}"
"OCRValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Value}}"
"LocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number Local Value}}"
"OCRLocalValue": "{{Extracted Document Number OCR Local Value}}"
"DocumentImages": [
"Role": "WhiteImage",
"Role": "DigitalTamperingHeatmapImage",
"Url": "http://
"Role": "FacePortraitImage",
"Url": "http://
"DigitalTamperingValidator": "Passed"
"ReferenceNumber": "1000020072",
"AuthenticationToleranceLevel": "Default",
"AdditionalData": [
"Name": "UserName",
"Value": "username"
"Name": "BranchCode",
"Value": "Web Upload"
"Name": "RequiredJourneySteps",
"Value": "FRONTSIDE"

End of retrieval response example.

Notification Web Hooks

On-boarding Suite also provides a set of web hooks that can be used to get notifications when certain events of interest happen. The consumer will need to implement the contract of the web hook operation in an http web service and configure the URL to this web service

The steps to make use of the notification web hook feature are as follows:

  1. – Create an Http Web service that implements the service operations associated with the notifications you are interested in. For example if you are interested in getting notifications when a journey is finished, you need to implement the NotifyJourneyFinished operation in the web service available by calling:
POST <UrlOfNotificationWebHookServiceRoot>/OnJourneyFinished
  • – Publish the web service and make it accessible to On-boarding Suite backend. Configure the URL that On-boarding should locate the service in the setting item with the key “JourneyNotificationWebhookUrl” in the BackendSettings.xml file.

Supported notification web hooks are:

  • OnJourneyProgress notification

Invoked when an intermediate progress (events other than finishing the journey) occurs to a journey.

POST /OnJourneyProgress
JourneyId The identifier of the journey that was affected by the error if the error was related to a journey. A code value representing the error that occurred encoded as a string value.
ErrorCode Possible error codes are:
• ProcessingError
• ErrorSavingData
• ServerError
• JourneyViolation
ErrorDescription A text message describing the error
  • OnJourneyOverridden

invoked when journey overridden

POST /OnJourneyOverridden 
JourneyIdThe identifier of the affected journey
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