FDE Chat Transcript – GBG IDscan Documentation

FDE Chat Transcript

In case a manual review has been requested for a given journey, you can use this endpoint to retrieve the chat transcript between the end user and FDE staff member from the following endpoint:

[GET] https://serverURL/IDScanEnterpriseSvc/Audit/GetJourneyTranscripts? journeyId={journeyId}  

URL Parameters: 

Parameter  Description Format 
journeyId Mandatory, Entry unique GUID id of the entry. GUID 

Response: HTTP Status Code ok 200 

Parameters: journeyId should be sent as GUID. Its value should be the id of the journey that you want retrieve the chat transcript for .

The response is an array of the below object 

Help Desk Transcript Item Object: 

Key Description Format 
JourneyId Entry unique GUID id of the entry. GUID 
FromName Sender username String 
Message The message text String 
SenderType The type of this message user  String 
FormattedTime Message date time String 

Example Request:

https://{serviceURL}/IDScanEnterpriseSvc/Audit/GetJourneyTranscripts? journeyId=684f7c13-3660-45d6-91e9-1b976fd7b0ed  
 [ { 
    "JourneyId": "684f7c13-3660-45d6-91e9-1b976fd7b0ed ", 
    "FromName": "Server", 
    "Message": "Please wait. An operator will be with you shortly.", 
    "SenderType": "server", 
    "FormattedTime": "6/2/2020 12:22:38 PM" 
    "JourneyId": "684f7c13-3660-45d6-91e9-1b976fd7b0ed", 
    "FromName": " Server ", 
    "Message": "Test", 
    "SenderType": "visitor", 
    "FormattedTime": "6/2/2020 12:22:40 PM" 
    "JourneyId": "684f7c13-3660-45d6-91e9-1b976fd7b0ed ", 
    "FromName": "Server", 
    "Message": "Hello Kamal, my name is Euan. Please allow me a few moments to verify this document.", 
    "SenderType": "operator", 
    "FormattedTime": "6/2/2020 12:22:45 PM" 
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