First of all, the .net core hosting bundle should be installed. Please refer below url;
All of the IDWS application’s settings are contained in a file named appsettings.json. Any changes to the appsettings.json file will require restarting the “Microsoft IIS Administration” service to take effect.
The appsettings.json file is located at: [InstallationPath]/appsettings.json
Configure Caching provider:
IDWS supports two types of caching providers, Redis and MSSQL. Both of them supports defining the Expiry time in minutes as:
"CachingExpiry": "30"
- Using Redis as IDWS caching provider:
To enable the Redis caching provider, you have to define the appsettings.json file with your Redis Host and port information as the following:
"CachingProvider": "Redis", "Redis": { "Host": "localhost", "Port": "6379" },
- Using MSSQL as a caching provider:
Firstly, the database script should be ran for mssql caching which needs to be provided with packages. To enable the MSSQL caching provider, you have to define the appsettings.json file with your IDWSCacheDb database* connection string as the following:
"CachingProvider": "MSSQL", "ConnectionStrings": { "IDWSSqlDb": "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=IDWSCacheDb;User id=[userid];Password=[pwd];" }
The IDWSCacheDb create script is attached with the Technical guide of IDWS.
Configure IDES:
To be able to use IDWS properly, you have to install “IDScan document expert system service” and provide its URL and health check information as:
"IDES": { "BaseUrl": "http://localhost:9015", "HealthCheckUrl": "http://localhost:8080/HealthCheck" },
HLRTS dependency
By default, the HLRTS will be set to true, this needs to be changed to False. In order to disable the HLRTS dependency, you need to set this to False in the appsettings.json file. Please see below:

Confıgure IDWS Health Checks:
IDWS Health check provide a way to monitor the state of IDES and caching providers (Redis or MSSQL). And you can configure it as the following:
"HealthChecksUI": { "HealthChecks": [ { "Name": "IDWS Health Checks", "Uri": "[path to your IDWS service]/healthchecks" } ] }
You can access the health check UI on by calling “http://[IDWS service]/hc”