The IDES trouble shooter checks the essential functions of the IDscan Document Expert System as to whether performance expectations have been satisfied or not, in terms of having correct results, action time periods and behaviour of the library.
Browse to C:Program Files (x86)IDscanIDES
Right Click on IDscan.Troubleshooter application and Run as administrator

Once you have launched up the IDscan Troubleshooter you will be shown:

You are given three types of information on the IDES Troubleshooter as shown above: Run – Checks the library service connectivity status and its functionality states
Restart IDES – Will restart the IDES Service
IDES Version Number – On the right corner, you will find the library version as can be seen in Figure 46 above.
Click on “Run” – trouble shooter will check connectivity of the service and prerequisites in the first step. Thereafter, it emulates three different types of documents such as Driving License, Passport, and Unknown Document in terms of recognition, extraction and authentication.
If the installation is completed successfully and the library performs as expected then all the steps should have results of “Passed” for each section as can be seen below:

Extract the file as shown below:

Click on “Extract” as can be seen here:

And enter the password: