Liveness Component – GBG IDscan Documentation

Liveness Component

If you would like to perform a liveness check during your online on-boarding journey, you should use IDSLivenessOnlineViewController. It will perform liveness check based on the backend configuration and send all the metadata to the backend.


IDSLivenessOnlineViewController(journeyID: "GUID", credentials: credentials, lastStep: lastStep, delegate: self) 

It is important that you specify all constructor properties:

  • journeyID – GUID of your journey, which you should receive from the backend once you upload document images
  • credentials – your backend credentials
  • lastStep – a response from your previous request, which asked for a Liveness step. It is important that you pass this object as it has some metadata that is crucial to initiate liveness
  • delegate – where protocol methods will be called to

You then need to implement IDSLivenessOnlineViewControllerProtocol and listen for specific updates from the controller itself.

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