Journey Definitions – GBG IDscan Documentation

Journey Definitions

IEOS backend has a possibility to have different journey configurations for mobile channel depending on your needs.

There are 3 ways how we can access specific journey:

1. Provide journey GUID when creating a customer journey controller


// specify journeyDefinitionID if you would like to perform certain journey
customerController.journeyDefinitionID = journeyDefinitionID

2. Implement IDSCustomerJourneyControllerDelegate method and select appropriate journey from the provided list


func customerJourneyController(_ scanner: IDSCustomerJourneyController, selectJourneyDefinition journeyDefinitions: [IDSEnterpriseJourneyDefinition]?) -> IDSEnterpriseJourneyDefinition? {
return journeyDefinitions?.last

3. Use IDSEnterpriseService and pass the ID to customer journey as displayed in the example 1


IDSEnterpriseService.getJourneyDefinitions(with: credentials, completion: { (definitions: [IDSEnterpriseJourneyDefinition]?, error: Error?) in }) 
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