Adding a link to the Mavern repository
Add a link to the Maven repository in the project:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url "s3://maven-mobile-repo/releases"
credentials(AwsCredentials) {
// Other option is to change in “” file
accessKey awsAccessKey // Replace with your key
secretKey awsSecretKey // Replace with your secret key.
Adding required dependencies to your project
Add the following required dependencies to your project:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.idscan.ieos:mjcs:X.X.X'
// Optional, if the project requires NFC
implementation ''
implementation 'nl.innovalor.nfcjmrtd:iddoc-connector:X.X.X'
// or
implementation "com.gbgplc.idscan:ozone:X.X.X"
implementation "com.gbgplc.idscan:ozoneui:X.X.X"
Exact SDK versions should be provided by your Technical Account Manager.