Smart Capture Usage – GBG IDscan Documentation

Smart Capture Usage

Customer Journey / Digital Journey / Onboarding Customers

This is best suited for fast and easy integration with your code, allows no UI customisation.

This is how you can achieve this:
Assuming that users are going to run customer journey method using openCamera action

(IBAction)openCamera {
	//Initialize customer journey controller
	IDSCustomerJourneyController *controller = [[IDSCustomerJourneyController alloc] init];
	//Assign delegate controller.delegate = self;
	//Assign credentials controller.credentials = self.credentials;
	// Present View Controller
	[self presentViewController:controller animated:YES completion:nil];

IDSCustomerJorneyControllerDelegate Methods:

When the scanner is unable to perform its duties.

(void)customerJourneyController:(IDSCustomerJourneyController *_Nonnull)scanner didFailWithError:(NSError *_Nullable)error {
NSLog(@"%@ Error: ", error.localizedDescription);

When the user cancelled the scan operation.

(void)customerJourneyControllerDidCancel:(IDSCustomerJourneyController*_Nonnull)scanner {
[scanner dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

When the scanner recognised a document object in the image.

(void)customerJourneyController:(IDSCustomerJourneyController *_Nonnull)scanner
didFinishJourneyWithResult:(IDSEnterpriseJourneyResponse *_Nullable)result {
//result object is the enterprise back result
[scanner dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"showResults" sender:self]; }];

Note: Smart Capture can only be used on Identity Documents.

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