If you are interested in retrieving aggregated results about your journey, you can use the retrieval function called getJourney(). First, we need EnterpriseService instance.
For retrieving, create listener OnGetJourneyListener.
EnterpriseService enterprise = new EnterpriseService(getApplicationContext()); enterprise.setBaseUrl(“https://baseUrl.idscan.cloud/”); enterprise.getJourney("JourneyID", new Credentials("user","password"), mGetJourneyListener);
For for kotlin example best would be to reuse Enterprise Service instance we created before.
enterpriseService?.getJourney(journeyID, onGetJourneyListener = journeyListener)
Callback of getJourney() us OnGetJourneyListner:
// Response of get details (Retrieval)
private OnGetJourneyListener mGetJourneyListener = new OnGetJourneyListener() {
public void onGetJourney(@Nullable ResponseJourney responseJourney) {}
public void onError(int code, @NonNull String message) {}
private val mGetJourneyListener = object : OnGetJourneyListener {
override fun onGetJourney(responseJourney: ResponseJourney?) {
// Succesfull response about journey
override fun onError(code: Int, message: String) {
when (code) {
// Example code for handling issues.
EnterpriseService.EXCEPTION_SERVER_UNREACHABLE -> mView.showRetryDialog(R.string.progress_server_unreachable_title)
EnterpriseService.EXCEPTION_TIMEOUT -> mView.showRetryDialog(R.string.progress_timeout_title) else -> mView.finishWithError(code, message, mJourneyID)
Possible onError() codes:
Code | Description |
EnterpriseService.EXCEPTION_ERROR | Returns when Web service experienced unrecoverable situation and returns localised exception message. |
EnterpriseService.EXCEPTION_SERVER_UNREACHABLE | Host unreachable – bad URL or no internet connection. |
EnterpriseService.EXCEPTION_TIMEOUT | Web client time out. |
500 | Internal server error, more information on server side. |
408 | Server time out |
401 | Unauthorized, possibly bad credentials. |
400 | Bad Request |
… | Other error HTTP status codes possible: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes |
For more information, check JavaDocs on possible call exceptions.