There are a number of different search queries can be constructed by combining various fields and rules such as Keyword, Status, Date Range (Date and Time), and the Operation Type of specification scans.
- Search by Keyword – is a feature to find out more about the documents for a particular keyword by typing a Name, User, Customer Number, Reference Number or GUID.
- Search by Customer Number – Enables users to locate documents by entering a specific Customer Number.
- Search by High Level Result (HLR) – shows a list of ID information that have the same high level result status as Passed, Refer, Expired, Not Supported, Not Accepted and Undefined.
- Search by Date Range – Lists the classified ID information performed in a certain date and time range.
- Referral Status – Allows you to specifically search the result you have overwritten for a high level result. This simply means you may have overwritten a scan to give a ‘Pass’ on a ‘Refer’ result if you believe should have passed. The options in this criteria:
- Not Referred : shows not overridden journeys.
- Pending Referral Outcome : shows the journeys which need to be reviewed by forensic expert after user hits “forensic expert” button.
- Referral Complete : shows overridden journeys.
- Channel – shows a list of channels that user can do a journey. Options could be Capture Studio, Web, Mobile.
- Capture Type – allows you to specifically search the result based on the selected channel. This list will be populated based on the channel preference.
- If channel is set to capture studio, then capture type option could be File Upload and Scanner.
- If channel is set to web, then capture type option could be File Upload, Smart Capture, Manual Capture, Scanner.
- If channel is set to mobile, then capture type option could be Smart Capture and Manual Capture.
- NFC – shows the journeys which contain NFC.
If you click the “Search” button without filling any search criteria, all the documents performed from the beginning of the first capture to the most recent, which are all saved on the same database as shown below:
Once you have performed a search you are able to view the Date and Time, the Scan/Journey reference (unique for every captured image), the Document Type (Identification Card/Passport etc.) and the Final Result (Pass, Refer, Not Supported, or Expired) of the captured image.
In order to investigate and analyse the information of the captured document further you can click the blue “View” button on the right hand side of the page under the data segmentation column.

Download PDF
User accounts with SuperAdmin and ReportUser roles are able to download PDF report for multiple journeys in a single click. After a search is performed. Select multiple journeys and download the PDF reports by clicking Actions and then Download PDF.

Initial Results Summary View
To further investigate and analyze the information of the captured document, click the blue “View” button located on the right-hand side of the page under the data segmentation column.
Once you click on the “View” button, you will be directed to a page similar to the one below, which displays a brief summary of the captured document.
The summary area provides details extracted from the captured documents, including an overall risk factor result calculated by the IDscan engine. It also briefly provides the Full Name, Gender, Age, Document Type, Result, Scan Reference, Date and Time, Portrait Photo, and the Face Match Result of the captured document.
Additionally, “GBG Scoring,” features two specific scores: the GBG Score and the GBG Trust Score. These scores are designed to give a more nuanced understanding of the trustworthiness and reliability of the information contained within the document.

At the bottom of each page you are able to give your feedback by filling in questionnaire. There is a purple button which is placed on right bottom of the page. When this purple button is clicked, a pop-up window will appear and you will be able to provide feedback.