Annex 2 – GBG IDscan Documentation

Annex 2

List of Possible Extracted Fields from IDscan Document Expert System:

Field NameDescription
AddressBuildingNameThe building name of the address
AddressBuildingNumberThe building number of the address
AddressCityThe city of the address
AddressCountryThe country of the address
AddressDeliveryPointIdentifierThe delivery point identifier (DPID) of the address
AddressDistrictThe district of the address
AddressFullThe full address (all lines)
AddressLine1The first line of the address
AddressLine2The second line of the address
AddressLine3The third line of the address
AddressLine4The fourth line of the address
AddressLine5The fifth line of the address
AddressPostCodeThe post code of the address
AddressPostCodeTypeThe postcode type of the address
AddressStateThe state of the address
AddressStateCodeThe state code of the address
AddressStreetThe street of the address
AddressStreetSuffixThe street suffix of the address
AddressStreetTypeThe street type of the address
AddressStreetTypeAbbreviationThe street abbreviation of the address
AddressSubBuildingNameThe sub-building name of the address
AddressSubBuildingNumberThe sub-building number of the address
AddressUnitNumberThe unit number of the address
AddressUnitTypeThe unit type of the address
AgeCategoryThe category into which the document holder’s age falls
AlienNumberThe alien number extracted from the document
ArbitraryDigitThe arbitrary digit of the document number field
BankCardSecurityCodeThe security code on the bank card
BankCardTypeThe type of bank card
BarcodeItemsCollection of generic barcode items
BirthDateThe birth date of person in the document in ISO 8601 format
BirthPlaceThe document holder’s place of birth extracted from the document
BirthPlaceCityThe city in which the document holder was born in, extracted from the document
BirthPlaceCountryThe Country in which the document holder was born in, extracted from the doc.
BirthPlaceStateThe State in which the documentholder was born in, extracted from the doc.
BOSNumberThe BOS number of the document
CardNumberThe card number of the document
ChildrenCountThe total number of children the document holder has
ConditionsThe conditions which are mentioned in the document
ConstraintsAny constraint that is mentioned in the document
CreditCardNumberThe number on the credit card
CustomerNumberThe customer number of the document
DistinguishingMarksThe distinguishing marks of the document holder
DocumentNumberThe identifying number of the doc. such as doc no., driver no., passport no.
DocumentNumberCheckDigitThe check digit character of the document number field
DocumentTypeCodeThe code type of the document.
DonorDetermine if the document holder is an organ donor, this is used when somebody is killed by accident and their organ can be transferred to another person.
EmployerThe name of the employer extracted from the document.
EndorsementsAny endorsement that is mentioned in the document.
EntryModeThe mode of allowed entries for the document holder. Values such as Multi or Single could be used.
ExpiryDateThe expiration date of the document in ISO 8601 format
ExpiryDate2The second expiry date of the document in ISO 8601 format
ExpiryDate3The third expiry date of the document in ISO 8601 format
ExpiryDate4The fourth expiry date of the document in ISO 8601 format
EyeColorThe eye colour of the document holder
FatherNameThe father name extracted from the document
FingerprintThe finger print extracted from the document
FirstIssuanceDateThe first issue date of this document in ISO 8601 format
FirstNameThe first name extracted from the document
FirstNameInitialThe first character of the first name extracted from the document
FullNameThe full name extracted from document
HairColorThe hair colour of the document holder
HealthNumberThe health number extracted from the document
HeightThe height of the document holder
HologramThe hologram extracted from the document
IssueDateThe issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format
IssueDate2The second issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format
IssueDate3The third issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format
IssueDate4The fourth issue date of the document in ISO 8601 format
IssueNumberThe issue number extracted from the document
IssuingAuthorityThe authority issuing the document
IssuingAuthorityTypeThe type of the authority issuing the document
IssuingLocationThe location where the document was issued
LastNameThe last name extracted from the document
LastNameFirstPartThe first few characters of the last name extracted from the document
LensDataThe lens data of the document holder
LicenseCategoryThe license category of the document
LicenseCategory2The second license category of the document
LicenseCategory3The third license category of the document
LicenseCategory4The fourth license category of the document
LicenseNumberThe license number of the document
LicenseTypeThe type of the license specified in the document.
LicenseType2The second type of the license specified in the document.
LicenseType3The third type of the license specified in the document.
LicenseType4The fourth type of the license specified in the document.
MaritalStatusThe marital status of the document holder (single or married).
MembershipNumberThe membership number extracted from the document
MiddleNameThe middle name extracted from the document
MiddleNameInitialThe first character of the middle name
MotherNameThe mother name extracted from the document
MRZBirthDateCheckDigitThe check digit of the date of birth contained in the MRZ
MRZCode1The first letter of the MRZ which specifies the first part of the MRZ code. This can specify the type of the doc. such as P for passports, I for identity cards and so on
MRZCode2The second letter of the MRZ which specifies the second part of the MRZ code. This can specify the subtype of the document and is country-specific
MRZCompositeCheckDigitThe composite check digit of the MRZ
MRZDocumentNumberCheckDigitThe check digit of the document number contained in the MRZ
MRZExpiryDateCheckDigitThe check digit of the expiry date contained in the MRZ
MRZFullThe full MRZ (all lines)
MRZLine1The first line of the MRZ
MRZLine2The second line of the MRZ
MRZLine3The third line of the MRZ
MRZPersonalNumberCheckDigitThe check digit of the personal number contained in the MRZ
MRZStandardTypeThe standard type of the ICAO document
NationalInsuranceNumberThe National Insurance number extracted from the document
NationalityCodeThe nationality ISO code of the document holder
NationalityNameThe nationality of the document holder
ObservationPageThe observation page number of the document
OccupationThe occupation of the document holder
ParentsThe names of the document holder’s parents
PeriodOfStayThe allowed period for stay extracted from the document
PermitNumberThe permit number of the document
PersonalNumberThe personal number extracted from the document
PortraitPhotoThe document holder’s photo extracted from the document
RaceThe race of the document holder
ReferenceNumberThe reference number of the document
RemarksAny remark mentioned in the document
RFIDG1The raw data from RFID (Data Group 1)
RFIDG15The raw data from RFID (Data Group 15)
RFIDG2The raw data from RFID (Data Group 2)
RFIDG3The raw data from RFID (Data Group 3)
RFIDPortraitPhotoThe document holder’s photo stored in the biometric chip (after decoding)
RFIDSODThe raw data from RFID
SecondaryPortraitPhotoThe second portrait photo extracted from the document if exists
SecondLastNameThe second last name extracted from the document. This is special case in some documents where the two last names exist
SexThe gender of the document holder
SignatureThe signature of the document holder (Image)
SocialSecurityNumberThe social security number extracted from the document
StudentIDThe student identification number extracted from the document
TaxNumberThe tax number extracted from the document
TitleThe title of the document holder such as Mr, Ms and so on
VAFNumberThe visa application form number extracted from the document
VersionNumberThe version number of the document
WeightThe weight of the document holder

Possible extracted fields from utility bills, bank statements and other non-ID documents:

DocumentCategoryHigh level category of the document type
DocumentTypeType of the document as recognised by IDscan Document Expert System
IssueDateIssuing date of the document
IssuerIssuer of the document. For example the bank name in case of bank statements
LogoLogo of the issuer of the document if present on the document
RecipientAddressFull address of the recipient, the entity addressed in the document
RecipientNameName of the entity(s) addressed in this document. Could be one person or more or a company
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