Actions – GBG IDscan Documentation


This action is used for uploading a document image to IDES to be processed.

[POST] https://localhost/idws/process 

Request/Response format: application/json

Body Parameters:

Name Description Format 
DocumentJourneyrequest Mandatory, the Document Journey Request Object 

Document Journey Request object: 

Key Name Description Format 
Documents Represent input ides documents processing response for front and back side documents and others i.e. front side, back side and NFC parts of the document 
please see “Document object” 
List of Document object 
RquestedId Unique ID of the request GUID 
DocumentProcessingRequest Processed document object Object 
InputImages Mandatory, a list of images to process, see “Input Image 
Object”, This list should at least contain an element named 
“WhiteImage” which is the visible image of the document. 
WorkflowConfiguration Dictionary of string values to be associated with the case 
Possible values: 
{ “TripleScanEnabled”, “true” } “BacksideSettings”, @”[{‘DocumentType’:’*’,’CountryCode’:’*’,’IgnoreScanResult’:’False’}]” }  “NFCEnabled”, “true” 
Name and Value Dictionary 

Input Image Object 

Key Description Format 
Data Image binary data. Base64 String encoded 
ImageFormat The format of the image, possible values: “jpg” and “bmp”. String 
Name Possible values: “WhiteImage” “NearInfraredImage” 
“SelfiePhoto” “UltravioletImage” 
InputFormat IMG = 0, PDF = 1  Integer 

Document Processing Request 

Key Description Format 
RfidData Represents documents field’s data that extracted from the chip. Base64 String encoded 
RfidMRZ Set of MRZ lines coming from RFID tag Name and Value Dictionary 
AdditionalData Set of metadata items to be linked to the journey Name and Value Dictionary 
Source Mandatory, Indicates the device source of the image. 
Possible values are: 
0: Default 
1: Passport Scanner 
2: Camera 
4: Emulator 
DocumentConfiguration Dictionary of string values to be associated with the case Name and Value Dictionary 


Document Journey Object

Key name Description Format 
DocumentResult The processing result of the document image. See the “Document result object” table for possible values. Documentresult object 
RequiredAction Text string code to inform calling application with the required action to continue entry processing if needed, possible values 
differ based on entry workflow customizations. 
JourneyId A unique formatted id of the entry GUID 
WorkflowStep Determines the current step to be performed 
NFC = 4  
WorkflowAttempt Counter for how many times the consumer has made or has attempted to make the current step Integer 
IsBacksideSuccessNeeded Determines if the system has been configured to require the back side scan to be passed Boolean  

Document Result Object

Key name Description Format 
AggregatedExtractedFields Represent aggregated fields from multiple input documents and NFC 
See the “Aggregated Extracted Field object” table 
List of ExtractedField object 
AuthentcationChecks Represents Cross match checks between multiple documents fields and NFC. 
See the “Authentication Check Value object” table  
List of AuthenticationCheck object 
AuthenticationState Represents the high level results of cross match checks 
Possible values:  
Undetermined = 0, Passed = 1, Failed = 2 
AvailableInformationSources Represents available source of fields of Scanned document, to be provided later from the client. See the “Available Information Source object” table for possible values. List of AvailableInformationSource object 
Documents Represent input ides documents processing response for front and back side documents and others i.e. front side, back side and nfc parts of the document 
please see “Document object” 
List of Document object 
HasError Boolean value to indicate whether there is any exception or errors in processing the documents. Boolean  
RequestId Represents the unique ID of the request. String 

Aggregated Extracted Field object

Key name Description Format 
Description Returns the description of the extracted field. Which is a friendly text describing the content or the purpose of the field. String 
Name Returns the extracted field name which is used to identify the field. String 
OcrConfidence Returns OCR confidence of field’s value. Possible values is from 0 to 100, where 0 is lowest confidence and 100 is highest confidence. Integer 
Regions  Returns list of regions in document image where field value was read. List of Region object 
Value Returns the normalized value of the extracted field represented as string. String 
ValueFormat Returns the format that was used to standardize or normalize the field value. 
Possible values:  
Undefined = 0, DateIso8601 = 1, DateTimeIso8601 = 2, CountryCodeIso31661_6Alpha = 3,       
CountryName = 4, 
PersonalName = 6, 
Gender = 10, 
MrzData = 12,   
ValueLocal Returns the value of the extracted field in local language represented as string. String 

Authentication Check Value object

Key name Description Format 
Id Returns a value representing the identifier of this QualityCheck. String 
Title Returns a value specifying the title of the QualityCheck. String 
Description Returns a value specifying description of the QualityCheck. String 
Group Returns the Authentication Check’s group. This is used to categorize many check instances that perform the same type of check(e.g. Checks of many Ultraviolet patterns or many MRZ check digits). String 
State Returns state of the QualityCheck. This indicates whether the state of the check was Good, Bad, Undetermined. 
Undetermined = 0, 
Passed = 1, 
Failed = 2, 
Skipped = 3, 
Regions Returns list of regions in document image where field value was read. List of Region object 

Region object

Key name Description Format 
BoundingBox The bounding box of the region Integer 
Label Label to which this region belongs to String 

Document object

Key name Description Format 
AdditionalImages Provides a map of labels and corresponding image. The list of potential labels are as follows  – DIGITAL_TAMPERING_HEAT_MAP  – IR_EXTRACTED_DOCUMENT  – UV_EXTRACTED_DOCUMENT List of AdditionalImage object 
AuthenticationChecks Provides access to the details of the authentication checks that were run on the document. This map is indexed by the authentication Check ids (which are part of IDES authentication checks list). List of AuthenticationCheck object 
AuthenticationState Provides access to the high level overall result of the authentication on the document. 
Possible values are: passed: the document passed the authentication checks with an overall successful result; failed: the document failed many of the authentication checks that pose  a concern on document state; undetermined: the state of the checks was inconclusive this might be because not enough;  Authentication checks were carried on the document or the checks returned an intermediate result. 
Category Returns the document type high level category (e.g. ‘Identification Card’ which covers both National and Foreigner Identification Cards types). This is the top level of document type hierarchy String 
ContainsRFID Returns whether the document has RFID or not. Boolean 
DocumentImage Provides document image. DocumentImage object 
ExtractedFields Provides access to the information that was extracted from the document (e.g.FirstName, LastName and BirthDate of the document holder, ExpiryDate of the document). This map is indexed by the field names  (which follow IDES field naming standard). List of ExtractedField object 
HadError Returns whether the request was totally error-free or library faced non-fatal errors and was be able to proceed with request processing. Boolean 
IsRecognised Returns if the library has been able to recognize this type of document. Boolean 
Issue Returns document issue which distinguishes different issues (versions) of the same document type or subtype.Document issue can be a year identifying the year of issue or a proprietary code representation this issue is known with. String 
IssuingCountryCode Returns document issuing country code. This field uses standard three letter ISO 3166-1 country codes(e.g. ‘GBR’ for United Kingdom). String 
IssuingCountryName Returns document issuing country name (E.g. United Kingdom). String 
IssuingStateCode Returns document issuing state code as it is recognized in the issuing country. This field should always be used along with issuing_country_code field. (e.g. ‘WA’ for either Western Australia in Australia or Washington in United States of America). String 
IssuingStateName Returns document issuing state name (E.g. Washington).   
Metadata Get the document metadata. List of MetaData object 
Name Returns document name which is a friendly name that represents the issuer and type or subtype of the document (e.g. ‘United Kingdom Provisional Driving License’). String 
QualityChecks Provides access to the details of the quality checks that were run on the document. This map is indexed by the quality check ids (which are part of IDES quality checks list). List of QualityCheck object 
RequestId Returns a unique identifier for this specific processing operation result. String 
Side Returns document side (E.g. Front, Back). String 
Subtype Returns the document subtype. Subtype is the third level of document type hierarchy and it identities the document more specifically and usually differs from one issuer to another (E.g. ‘Full Driving Licence’, ‘Provisional Driving Licence’, ‘Probationary Driving Licence’ etc.). String 
Type Returns document type (e.g. ‘National Identification Card’). This is the second level of document type hierarchy and is usually the most used identifier for distinguishing document types. String 
TypeId Returns a unique document type identifier which is a code that uniquely identifies this specific document type. String 

Available Information Source object

Key name Description Format 
AvailableInformationSourcesEnum Information source that was used to extract the document 
Possible values: 
NFC = 4 

Example JSON



In order to enable NFC by using  json request user needs to send “NFCEnabled” key as “true” if they want to pass NFC data to the journey as shown below. 


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