To begin your journey, all you have to do is download any of our apps onto your IOS or Android device.
In order to start this process, GBG IDscan will invite you to our ‘Hockeyapp’ system which will enable you to download and start using our apps easily.
After you have received an invitation from us, which will look like the below Figure, all you have to do is simply follow the steps from your iOS or Android device.

After you have clicked onto ‘Show Invitation’ you will be shown the page below which will enable you to create a free account in order to start using our app.

After you have successfully created an account and logged in, you will be presented with an automatic and easy download tab for the app you were invited to use, as shown below.
You are given the information of the version, date and size of the application as well as a list of the previous versions when clicked on. You will also be alerted when newer versions of this app become available: