Release v9.2.1 – Mar 2021 (21.2) – GBG IDscan Documentation

Release v9.2.1 – Mar 2021 (21.2)

Release v9.2.1 – 12.02.2021 

IEOS Backend Services:     

  1. Added ability to allow users to configure the different journey result outcomes for when triple scan is triggered. Triple scan will be enabled for both Refer and NotSupported results by default. Both result data for front/back of the document and the quality issues will be sent in the triple scan response and these will be accessible on all channels (webSDK, Mobile SDK, Capture Studio). The new configuration setting which is named as “Require Triple Scan” has been added to the Admin Portal. 
  1. Implemented a new feature which allows user to have OCR only journey with no authentication checks in order to capture user data quickly. “OCR Only Journey” toggle is added to the Admin Portal. The user will be able to view this setting in case the OCR only license is enabled in the database for the tenant. When the OCR Only Journey is added as a new journey definition, front step will be locked in as enabled, back step will be an optional step and should be set as disabled by default. The other steps will be locked as disabled. When the OCR Only journey is performed, this will be stated in Investigation. Billing will be different when carrying out an OCR only journey. 
  1. Added the number of triple scan attempts into the breadcrumb in Investigation Studio. The range will only be between 1-3. This information will be displayed when triple scan has been carried out in a journey only. 
  1. Fixed the issue which was about not being able to refer the refer, notSupported, expired journeys to FDE. 
  1. Added journey definition name into the journey details page in Investigation Studio in order to provide more clarity to the user on which journey that is set up in the Admin Portal was used for individual journey. 
  1. Updated the NFC flow to be reflective of the result from front/back of document check when the NFC step is skipped on both front + NFC journeys and front + back + NFC journeys. 
  1. Implemented a new logic which allows user to view the FDE settings in Admin Portal only if the FDE database setting is enabled in database. 
  1. Enhanced logging mechanism in IEOS in order to have clear details about the components communication and time consumed for the services. 
  1. Added the failure reason for the document step into the breadcrumb in Investigation Studio in order to provide better understanding why certain document steps have failed. 
  1. Added the failure reason for the FaceMatch check into the breadcrumb in Investigation Studio in order to provide better understanding why FaceMatch check has failed. 
  1. Added “select all” option for the “year” list in an accepted/blocklisted documents configuration in Admin Portal. 
  1. Added digital tampering heatmap into the pdf report as well. 
  1. Improved the performance of the purge query. 
  1. Created a new purge query to allow users to run over weekend. 
  1. Implemented a new expiry check logic for Taiwan Driving License only. The expiry check will only be triggered if the person is over 75. 
  1. Updated the retrieval API to allow user to get the output white image for the journey. 
  1. Fixed the issue which was about the document is being sent to AddressCorrector although the regarding check was not enabled.  
  1. Updated helpDesk email to be sent will be having “tenant name” in the subject instead of “user name”. 
  1. Prevented user to be kicked out to the dashboard in case the API request is called with incorrect parameters by mistaken. 

Terminal Integration Client v9.2: 

  1. Improved the turnaround time between result and TIC. The server will notify the Capture Studio directly when a scan is completed instead of sending it back to TIC and from there to Capture Studio. 
  1. Fixed the cropping issue when the document is scanned. 
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